0 Best Doctors For Acute Poliomyelitis In Kabirwala

What is Patient Recovery?

Patient Recovery measures how many patients reported feeling better after their consultation with this doctor.

The percentage is based on responses from at least 50 patients who were contacted after their consultation.

پیشینٹ ریکوری (صحت یابی) کیا ہے؟

پیشینٹ ریکوری اس چیز کا پیمانہ ہے کہ کتنے مریضوں نے اس ڈاکٹر سے علاج کے بعد اپنی صحت میں بہتری محسوس کی!

یہ فیصد کم از کم 50 مریضوں کے جوابات پر مبنی ہے جن سے علاج کے بعد رابطہ کیا گیا۔

How can I find treatment of Acute Poliomyelitis?

Polio is a viral disease that affects nerves. Paralysis, difficulty breathing, and death can be the outcomes of this disease. Rigorous worldwide efforts to wipe out this virus still have to be reinforced in parts of the world including Asia and Africa. If you are traveling to any high-risk area it is advised to get an immunity booster shot of IPV. All children under the age of 5 must also be vaccinated against this disease as per the prescribed schedule. This disease can be transmitted from the affected person to others. To find and consult the best pediatricians and doctors for treatment and management of polio visit.