یہ جلد کو متاثر کرنے والی بیماری ہے جس میں ہتھیلیوں اور انگلیوں کے اطراف میں چھوٹے چھوٹے پانی سے بھرے چھالے بننے کی علامت ظاہر ہوتی ہے۔ یہ شدید خارش کا باعث بنتے ہیں اور ان کے ٹھیک ہونے میں ایک ہفتہ لگ سکتا ہے
16 Yrs
Dermatologist, Aesthetic Physician
MD, Ph.D. (Medicine), Certified Aesthetician, Masters Of Public Health - USA
MBBS, MCPS (Dermatology), Certified from American Academy of Aesthetic Medicine (USA)
Dyshidrotic eczema is characterized by a rapid onset of tiny, painful blisters on the palms and sides of the fingers. Sometimes it is also known as dyshidrosis, foot-and-hand eczema, pompholyx, vesicular eczema, or palmoplantar eczema. These blisters might also form on the soles of your feet or your toes due to this skin condition. These blisters can appear and disappear with time as there is no cure for this disease. However, you can control them with medication, moisturizers, and proper hygiene.
The most visible symptom of dyshidrotic eczema is tiny, itching blisters. These commonly occur in groups. Some other symptoms can be:
The cause of Dyshidrotic eczema is yet to be known. However, scientists believe that it is caused due to hypersensitivity to things like:
The treatment options for dyshidrotic eczema are chosen according to the severity of this skin condition. Your doctor might prescribe any of the following:
Wash skin with dyshidrotic eczema gently
Regularly use a hand sanitizer
Regularly use moisturizer
Avoid stress
Try to avoid hot condition
Use gloves to protect your hands
Avoid food that irritate your skin