بچوں میں کان کے انفیکشن عام ہیں اور پانچ سال سے کم عمر کے بیشتر بچے اس بیماری کا شکار ہو جاتے ہیں۔ اس کی علامات میں کان کا درد اور بخار شامل ہیں۔ اس کے علاج میں ضد ھیوی ادویات کا استعمال اور درد کم کرنے والی ادویات کا استعمال کروایا جاتا ہے۔
Ent Surgeon
MBBS, MCPS (Oto-Rhino-Laryngology), FCPS (Oto-Rhino-Laryngology), Diploma in Otolaryngology
Ent Surgeon, Ent Specialist
MBBS, FCPS (ENT), CMT (Liverpool, UK)
Ent Specialist, Ent Surgeon, Ent Specialist
Ear infection is, as stated in the name, an infection in either three ear parts. It is more prevalent in children than in adults.
As ear infections generally get better by themselves, most treatments are aimed at pain management and assessing the problem. In certain cases, the doctor might prescribe antibiotics. Furthermore, research has shown that ear infection might appear in certain people more than others. The problems caused by ear infections might become serious and could cause problems in hearing.
Ear infection symptoms are fast paced and occur rapidly. The appearance of the symptoms differs according to the age demographic.
Children might experience these symptoms:
Symptoms that show up in adults include:
As the name implies, ear infections manifest when the bacteria infects the ear. However, how bacteria affects the ear could be seen by the area that it affects. A cold, or some other problem with the respiratory system can cause middle ear infection. The infection transmits through the Eustachian tubes to the ear(s).
Also known as swimmer’s ear, an infection in the outer ear is caused by water that is stuck after one takes a bath or goes for a swim.
One reason why kids contract this infection more than adults is due to their Eustachian tubes‘ shape and placement. Children have tubes that are more horizontal and significantly lesser in size than those in adults. In fact, adults who have smaller Eustachian tubes or who have a more horizontal placement are at a higher risk.
Those who smoke, actively or passively, are also more susceptible to developing an ear infection. In fact, those who have seasonal allergies, or allergies that are more persistent, also are more vulnerable. Having a cold, or an infection in upper respiratory area could also put people in more danger of an infection.
The preventive measures target the risk factors and causes associated with ear infection. It is absolutely paramount that ear hygiene is maintained by properly rinsing them or carefully using a cotton bud, especially after the person has bathed or gone swimming. Furthermore, the individual should avoid both passive and active smoking as much as he/she can. Then, one should consciously try to handle their allergies. They can do this by avoiding the factors which trigger those allergies and keeping themselves equipped with allergy medications.
Other than the above, one should properly wash their hands and get properly vaccinated with the recommended vaccine. Lastly, the person should also try to keep away from those who have colds or other problems in the upper respiratory tract.
There are three categories for ear infections.