Food Poisoning Meaning in Urdu - Symptoms, Causes, and Prevention

Food Poisoning in Urdu

کھانے پینے کی اشیا کا ٹھیک سے پکا ہوا نہ ہونا یا مناسب صفائی کی کمی کے باعث فوڈ پوئزننگ کی شکایت ہو سکتی ہے۔ اس کی علامات میں قے، متلی اور اسہال شامل ہیں۔ فوڈپوائزننگ کے بعض کیسز گھر پر ہی ٹھیک ہو جاتے ہیں لیکن سنگین علامات کی صورت میں ہسپتال میں داخلہ اور علاج ضروری ہو جاتا ہے۔

Doctors For Food Poisoning

Dr. Muhammad Nouman Anjum

PMDC Verified

General Physician, Internal Medicine Specialist, Diabetologist, Family Medicine

MBBS, Certified Diabetologist (UK), Certified Hypertension Specialist (PSIM)

92% patients experienced successful recovery


10 Yrs



Infectious Diseases Blood Pressure Heart Diseases Hypertension Diabetes Gastroentrology Covid-19 Critical Care & Management Covid-19 Home Treatment

Video Consultation

Available Today

Rs. 1,000

Cure Clinic, Garhi Shahu, Lahore

Available from Sep 01

Rs. 1,000 Pay Online & Save Rs. 100

Dr. Tabinda Batool

PMDC Verified

Neurologist, General Physician, Hypertension Specialist

MBBS, Certified Course in Hypertension by European Society of Hypertension, ASCVD Prevention Course by PSIM, Hypertension Course by PSIM, FCPS Internal Medicine (PGR), IMM


6 Yrs



Video Consultation

Available Today

Rs. 1,500

Prof. Dr. Muhammad Nadir Khan

PMDC Verified

General Physician, Psychiatrist, Internal Medicine Specialist, Diabetologist


89% patients experienced successful recovery


31 Yrs



Infectious Diseases Blood Pressure Hypertension Diabetes Thyroid Peptic Alsar Disease Liver Diabetologist Allergy Diabetes Mellitus Peptic Ulcer Fever Diarrhea Hepatitis B And C Asthma Allergy. Rhinitis

Video Consultation

Available Tomorrow

Rs. 2,500

BA Healthcare Hospital, Quetta, Quetta

Available Tomorrow

Rs. 1,500

What is Patient Recovery?

Patient Recovery measures how many patients reported feeling better after their consultation with this doctor.

The percentage is based on responses from at least 50 patients who were contacted after their consultation.

پیشینٹ ریکوری (صحت یابی) کیا ہے؟

پیشینٹ ریکوری اس چیز کا پیمانہ ہے کہ کتنے مریضوں نے اس ڈاکٹر سے علاج کے بعد اپنی صحت میں بہتری محسوس کی!

یہ فیصد کم از کم 50 مریضوں کے جوابات پر مبنی ہے جن سے علاج کے بعد رابطہ کیا گیا۔

Dr. Poonam Qazi

PMDC Verified

General Physician



11 Yrs



Infectious Diseases Blood Pressure Hormonal Issues General Practitioner Family Health Counselor Fever Diarrhea Women Wellness General Physician For Vaccination Hypertension Hepatitis Common Cold Flue Cough Covid Abdominal Pain Diarrhea Constipation Fever Typhoid

Video Consultation

Available Today

Rs. 700

Musrat Clinic, punjab, Multan

Available Today

Rs. 1,000 Pay Online & Save Rs. 100

Asst. Prof. Dr. Mujahid Israr

PMDC Verified

Gastroenterologist, Liver Specialist, General Physician, Internal Medicine Specialist

MBBS, FCPS (Gastroenterology), FCPS (Internal Medicine), FACG (US), SCE (UK), ESEGH ( European Board Of Gastroenterology & Hepatology)


15 Yrs



General Physician Endoscopy Hepatitis B & C Diabetes Diarrhea Liver Issue

Video Consultation

Available Tomorrow

Rs. 3,000

Omar Hospital & Cardiac Centre, Jail Road, Lahore

Available from Feb 24

Rs. 2,500

Ikram Hospital, Marghzar Colony, Gujrat

Available Tomorrow

Rs. 2,500

Dr. Muhammad Taimour

PMDC Verified

Pulmonologist / Lung Specialist, General Physician, Diabetologist

MBBS, DTCD (T.B and Chest Diseases), MCPS (T.B and Chest Diseases), FCCP (USA)


45 Yrs



Asthma Chest Congestion Lungs Deflation Allergies Tuberculosis

Video Consultation

Available Tomorrow

Rs. 2,500

Dha Medical Centre, DHA Defence, Lahore

Available from Feb 24

Rs. 2,500 Pay Online & Save Rs. 250

AMT Medical and Dental Centre, DHA Phase 4, Lahore

Available Tomorrow

Rs. 2,500

Summary about Food Poisoning in English

Food poisoning is caused by eating food that is contaminated with bacteria and other infectious organisms like viruses and parasites. These organisms and their toxins are the most common cause of food poisoning. If proper care and hygiene principles are not followed during the process of cooking and preparation of food it can lead to contamination of food. Many times food poisoning victims get better at home whereas some severe cases may need hospitalization and proper medical care. Major symptoms of food poisoning are nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, and fever. It mostly is treated and managed by the use of antibiotics and rehydrating liquids.

Symptoms of Food Poisoning

The symptoms of food poisoning vary depending on the source of the contamination. Most commonly these are:

  • Feelings of nausea
  • Repeated vomiting
  • Severe diarrhea that may contain blood
  • Abdominal cramps
  • Fever

Signs and symptoms may appear several hours after eating contaminated food and may persist for several days.

Causes of Food Poisoning

Food contamination can occur at any stage of production, preparation, and packaging of food. The risk is greater for cold foods like salads and ready to eat items which are not cooked prior to eating. Contamination can occur due to improper handling, from contaminated surfaces or use of tools that harbor infectious organisms or toxins.

Risk Factors of Food Poisoning

Risk of food poisoning is greater for:

Pregnant Women:

Symptoms of food poisoning can be more pronounced during pregnancy. This is why special care and precautions are suggested for pregnatnt ladies are stressed by gynecologists. Sometimes the effects of this condition can affect the unborn child as well.

Kids below 3 Years of Age:

Due to underdeveloped immunity to infectious organisms, this group can get severely affected by contaminated foods.

People with Chronic Conditions:

Certain diseases like diabetes, AIDs, and treatments like chemotherapy can suppress your immunity and make you more vulnerable to foodborne ailments.

Preventive Measures of Food Poisoning

Practice following precautions to stay safe from food poisoning:

  1. Wash your hands and dishes prior to eating and preparing food. 
  2. Use hot water with soap to rinse dishes, cutting boards, and other surfaces in use. 
  3. To prevent cross-contamination avoid keeping raw and ready-to-eat foods together especially meat, seafood, and poultry.
  4. Cook foods especially meat, poultry, and seafood thoroughly to kill all the infectious organisms.
  5. Refrigerate perishable edible items within one to two hours.
  6. Don't thaw frozen items and meat at room temperature. use a microwave or thaw these foods in a refrigerator.
  7. When unsure about the quality of food and condition instead of tasting avoid use and dispose off.