0 Best Doctors For Gall Stones In Matiari

How can I find treatment of Gall Stones?

Marham enlists the best doctors for gallstone treatment in Matiari. Book an appointment or online consultation with a gallbladder specialist for the management of gallstones. Consult the most experienced gallstone doctor for treatment based on their qualifications, patient reviews, location, and fees.

What are Gallstones?

Gallstones are hardened depositions of bile material. They are not diagnosed until they block the bile duct and cause severe pain. Gallstones can be small in size similar to grain or can be bigger. They can be yellow-green or slightly darker in color. Gallstones are removed on their own from the body and larger one requires laparoscopic surgery.

What are the causes of Gallstones?

Gallstones or cholelithiasis is caused by;

  •  Excess cholesterol deposition in the blood

  • Excess bilirubin production due to liver damage

How Gallstones are diagnosed?

Gallstones are diagnosed using blood and Imaging tests. The imaging tests involve CT scans, ultrasounds, and MRCP scans.

What are the symptoms of Gallstones?

Gallstones are asymptomatic until they block the bile ducts. The symptoms then are;

  • Abdominal pain often on the right side and frequent vomiting

  • Yellowing of skin

What is Gallstone treatment?

Gallstones are treated by a number of therapeutic approaches including;

  • Medication to dissolve small gallstones

  • Non-invasive Surgery to remove gall bladder with large stones including laparoscopic and endoscopic surgery

  • Open Surgery to treat more complex conditions

Consult the best doctor for gallstone treatment in Matiari now to avoid any complications. You can also book a video consultation through Marham to discuss your symptoms with the most experienced gallbladder doctor in Matiari.