یہ جلد کی سطح پر یا جلد کی سطح کے نیچے خون کی وریدوں کاغیر معمولی طور پر جمع ہو جانے کی شکایت ہے۔ عام طور پر یہ جلد پر ایک سرخ ابھار کی صورت میں دیکھے جا سکتے ہیں۔ یہ چہرے، گردن اور کانوں کے پیچھے زیادہ عام ہیں۔ یہ عموما تکلیف کا باعث نہیں ہوتے اور نہ ہی سرطان یا دیگر پیچیدگیوں کا باعث بنتے ہیں۔ یہ تیزی کے ساتھ بڑھنے کے ایک مرحلے کے بعد بڑھنا کم کر دیتے ہیں اور اکثر اوقات اپنے آپ ہی غائب ہو جاتے ہیں۔
Dermatologist, Aesthetic Physician
MD, Ph.D. (Medicine), Certified Aesthetician, Masters Of Public Health - USA
MBBS, MCPS (Dermatology), Certified from American Academy of Aesthetic Medicine (USA)
MBBS (Pb), Dip Derma (AFPGMI), FCPS (Derm) Clinical Fellowship in Dermatopathology (UK) MCPS (HPE)
Cutaneous hemangioma is an abnormal accumulation of blood vessels on the surface or under the surface of the skin. A cutaneous hemangioma may look like red wine or a strawberry birthmark and protrude from the skin. Hemangiomas of the skin are more common on the face, neck and behind the ears. Growth in the outermost layers of the skin is capillary haemangiomas. Cavernous hemangiomas are the deepest of the skin. Hemangiomas of the skin usually develop during childhood. They can affect boys and girls. Hemangiomas have a painful appearance but rarely cause discomfort. After a short period of rapid growth, they often decrease and disappear without treatment. They are not cancerous and complications are very rare.
The symptoms of hemangiomas of the skin are:
Hemangioma is basically a concentrated clump of grouped tufts of extra blood vessels. The cause is still unknown that prompts this grouping together.
While the exact causes of hemangioma have not yet been known, the different hemangioma types have been associated to varying factors. Hemangioma in infants has been linked to abnormal vascular development taking place in the embryo.
Another example is of how injury could result in the occurrence of a hemangioma. However, whether the injury could be the main cause is still a possibility that is unidentified.
Hemangioma might also show up during pregnancy and then resolve by childbirth. A genetic component has also been identified.
While many people assume that hemangioma occurs because the person or pregnant mother has been exposed to some specific chemicals or radiation, the scientific research has not found any evidence to back this up.
Treatment options can be;
While the cause for these benign tumors has not been determined. Nevertheless, research has provided some factors that might raise the risk. These factors include the person’s gender; girls are more likely to develop this issue. Another factor associated with hemangiomas is low birth weight. People of a Caucasian race also have a higher risk of manifesting this condition.
Hemangiomas have also been demonstrated by research to run along genetic lineage. So if the parents or grandparents have had hemangioma, it is likely that the offspring would develop it too.
While there are no set measures to prevent hemangiomas which is attributable to the poor documentation of the causes, in most cases the condition will disappear on its own and will not require any curative measures.
Currently three kinds of hemangiomas have been documented: