0 Best Doctors For Massive Obesity In Abbottabad

How can I find treatment of Massive Obesity?

Massive obesity is defined as having a body mass index (BMI) greater than 35. BMI is used to calculate body fat and can help you determine if you are at a healthy body weight for your height. Although BMI is not a perfect measurement, it does provide a general idea of ideal weight ranges for height.
When you eat food, your body uses the calories you consume to power itself. Even when you are at rest, your body requires calories to pump your heart or digest food. If those calories are not used, they are stored as fat by the body. If you continue to consume more calories than your body can use during daily activities and exercise, your body will store fat. Obesity and morbid obesity are the results of your body storing too much fat.

The meaning of obesity in Urdu is 'Motaapa'.