0 Best Doctors For Neuropathic Pain In Bannu

How can I find treatment of Neuropathic Pain?

Neuropathic pain is chronic pain that occurs due to progressive nerve disease, infection, or any injury. The pain is like a burning sensation and the area having the pain is sensitive to touch.  It has different stages that start with pain and slight numbness, then constant pain that changes into intense pain. And the last stage of neuropathic pain is the complete loss of sensation and numbness.

Neuropathic Pain Facts and Figures

According to research from the National Center for Biotechnology Information, neuropathic pain affects millions around the world and affects up to 7% of the general population. Listed below are some further facts and statistics about neuropathic pain:

Prevalence of Neuropathic Pain Worldwide7% of the general population
Common inAdults and older adults
At-Risk GenderFemales 
Average Age for DiagnosisAny age
Problems related to Neuropathic Painanxiety, sleep disorder, memory loss, spinal cord issues
Specialists Who Treat Neuropathic PainNeurologists / Pain Specialists