Psychologist, Speech Therapist
PhD* Clinical Psychology (Scholar), MS Speech Language Pathology & Therapy, MS (Clinical Psychology), PGD (Speech Therapy), PGD Forensic Psychology, CERT Clinical Hypnosis, CERT Cognitive Behavioral Therapy
Speech Therapist, Psychologist
PGD Speech Language & Pathology, M.Phil Clinical Psychology
Speech Therapist
MS (Speech & Hearing Science), Masters (Special Education), Post Graduate Diploma in Speech Therapy
Speech Therapist, Psychologist
BS (Applied Psychology), MS (Speech & Language Therapy), MS (Clinical Psychology), Board Certified Pediatrics Assesment Language Therapist, Membership Aus & New Zealand 19165, American Association C2405069695, Pakistan Association 197,
Child Psychologist, Speech Therapist
M.Sc Psychology, M.Phill Special Education, ADCP (Advanced Diploma in Clinical Psychology), Child Psychologist
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