Rhabdoid Tumor Meaning in Urdu - Symptoms, Causes, and Prevention

Rhabdoid Tumor in Urdu

یہ ایک شدت سے پھلینے والا ٹیومر ہے جو کہ گردے، جگر اور دیگر سافٹ ٹشو عالے اعضا کو متاثر کر سکتا ہے۔ یہ بیماری زیادہ تر شیر خوارگی یا بچپن میں ہی متاثر کرتی ہے۔ یہ ایک خاص جینیاتی تبدیلی کی وجہ سے لاحق ہونے والی بیماری ہے

Doctors For Rhabdoid Tumor

Dr. Mariam Gul

PMDC Verified

Cancer Specialist / Oncologist

MBBS, D.M.R.T. (Medical Radio Therapy)


21 Yrs



Chemotherapy Colon Cancer Lung Cancer Pancreatic Cancer Breast Cancer Cancer

Video Consultation

Available Today

Rs. 2,000

Asst. Prof. Dr. Zeeshan Ahmed Khan Niazi

PMDC Verified

Cancer Specialist / Oncologist

MBBS, FCPS (Medical Oncology), CMT, MD (USA)


9 Yrs



Oncology Hematology Lymphoma Immunotherapy

Video Consultation

Available Today

Rs. 3,000

Hameed Latif Hospital, Garden Town, Lahore

Available Today

Rs. 3,000

Omar Hospital & Cardiac Centre (Johar Town), Johar Town, Lahore

Available from Feb 26

Rs. 3,000

Prof. Dr. Abbas Khokhar

PMDC Verified

Cancer Specialist / Oncologist

MBBS, FCPS (Medical Oncology), MD (USA), DHHM


15 Yrs



Oncology Hematology Chemotherapy

Video Consultation

Available from Feb 24

Rs. 4,000

Mid City Hospital, Jail Road, Lahore

Available from Feb 24

Rs. 4,000 Pay Online & Save Rs. 400

Oncology MD Cancer Center, Jail Road, Lahore

Available from Feb 24

Rs. 4,000

What is Patient Recovery?

Patient Recovery measures how many patients reported feeling better after their consultation with this doctor.

The percentage is based on responses from at least 50 patients who were contacted after their consultation.

پیشینٹ ریکوری (صحت یابی) کیا ہے؟

پیشینٹ ریکوری اس چیز کا پیمانہ ہے کہ کتنے مریضوں نے اس ڈاکٹر سے علاج کے بعد اپنی صحت میں بہتری محسوس کی!

یہ فیصد کم از کم 50 مریضوں کے جوابات پر مبنی ہے جن سے علاج کے بعد رابطہ کیا گیا۔

Dr. Farhan Hanif

PMDC Verified

Cancer Specialist / Oncologist



8 Yrs



Lumber Puncture General Medical Oncology Chemotherapy Lymphoma

Video Consultation

Available Today

Rs. 500

Farooq Hospital, Islamabad, Islamabad

Available from Feb 24

Rs. 500

Prof. Dr. Nadeem Zia Abbasi

PMDC Verified

Cancer Specialist / Oncologist

MBBS, FCPS (Oncology), M.Sc. (Nuclear Medicine)


34 Yrs



Bone Marrow Biopsy General Medical Oncology

Video Consultation

Available Today

Rs. 3,500

Quaid-E-Azam International Hospital, Main Peshawar Road, Islamabad

Available Today

Rs. 3,500

Zeest Onco Consultant Hospital, Sector G, Islamabad

Available Today

Rs. 3,500

Dr. Rana Atique Anwar Khan

PMDC Verified

Cancer Specialist / Oncologist

MBBS, FCPS (Clinical Oncology)


8 Yrs



Oncology Breast Cancer Lymphoma Ovarian Cancer

Video Consultation

Available Today

Rs. 3,000

Cancer Specialist Clinic, Justice Hamid Colony, Multan

Available from Feb 24

Rs. 2,000

Oncothermia Cancer Clinic, Chungi No 1, Multan

Available from Feb 24

Rs. 2,500

Summary about Rhabdoid Tumor in English

The rhabdoid tumor (RT) is an aggressive soft tissue sarcoma of the child that develops in the kidneys, the liver, the peripheral nerves and all the soft parts of the body. RT, which affects the central nervous system (CNS), is referred to as an atypical teratoid rhabdoid tumor. The rhabdoid tumor usually occurs in infancy or childhood. In most cases, the first symptoms are related to the pressure of a voluminous tumor (such as shortness of breath, abdominal muscles, peripheral nerve paralysis). In about 90% of cases, this is caused by a mutation in the SMARCB1 gene, which is a tumor suppressor gene. In rare cases, this may be due to a mutation of the SMARCA4 gene. There is no standard care for RT, although many studies are in progress. 

In addition, 10 to 15% of patients with malignant rhabdoid tumors suffer from brain tumors. Nausea is a strong feeling of discomfort in the upper part of the stomach with a strong urge to vomit. It may happen without vomiting. It is a non-specific symptom which caused by many reasons including motion sickness, dizziness, migraine, fainting, low level of blood sugar, food poisoning, anxiety, depression, pregnancy, or medication. Treatment includes tumor resection, chemotherapy, and radiation therapy. Since atypical rhabdoid teratoid tumors and renal rhabdoid tumors have the same genetic mutation and similar biopsy results, they are now considered to be identical or closely related entities.