اس بیماری کو جرمن میزلز بھی کہا جاتا ہے۔ متاثر ہونے والے بہت سے افراد اس سے بے خبر رہتے ہین کیونکہ یہ کسی خاص تکلیف کا باعث نہیں بنتی۔ اس کی علامات میں جسم پر سرخ نشانات یا دانے ظاہر ہونا ہے جو کہ تین دن کے بعد ٹھیک ہو جاتے ہیں۔
Dermatologist, Aesthetic Physician
MD, Ph.D. (Medicine), Certified Aesthetician, Masters Of Public Health - USA
MBBS, MCPS (Dermatology), Certified from American Academy of Aesthetic Medicine (USA)
MBBS (Pb), Dip Derma (AFPGMI), FCPS (Derm) Clinical Fellowship in Dermatopathology (UK) MCPS (HPE)
Measles is a disease that one can prevent by getting vaccinated. It is characterized by the experience of a high fever. Other primary characteristics include the rash, runny nose, eyes going red and coughing.
Any person who is nonimmune might catch this disease, regardless of their age. Furthermore, while many people have saved themselves from measles by getting vaccinated, many have refused vaccination and are thus at a much higher risk.
Symptoms and signs occur in two phases. It usually takes about 8 to 12 days for the measles symptoms to appear after infection. These 8 to 12 days are known as the incubation period. The signs and symptoms appear in two distinct phases
As the virus for rubeola normally transmits via the respiratory channels, it could easily infect those individuals who are both infected and coughing or sneezing. While the rash itself cannot spread from person to the other, the rubeola virus is included in the world’s most contagious viruses. Hence, it could transmit easily through a population which is more vulnerable to rubeola.
Rubeola does not have a specific treatment. The virus and its symptoms usually go away in two to three weeks. For those who have been exposed to the virus, there are some treatments available. These can help prevent or lessen the severity of an infection. They are as follows:
To help you recover, your doctor might recommend:
The biggest risk factor measles is not getting oneself vaccinated. It is also much higher in younger children as measles are the most prevalent in them. Not getting enough Vitamin A could also open one’s doors to infection. It could also make the symptoms even severer than they already were.
Other than these, travelling internationally is also a research-found risk factor. Particularly, travelling to third world countries and not getting properly vaccinated is a significant risk factor.
Vaccination is the way to prevent measles; whether it is the combination of measles, mumps and rubella vaccine or it is a vaccine produced by adding varicella to the mix.
The vast majority will have immunity against measles if they get a 2 dose vaccine containing measles.
In the case of a child who is at least 6 months older, or an adult, he/she could prevent the infection by immediately getting vaccinated with 3 days of contact using a vaccine that contains measles. However, if the time passed has crossed 3 days, the person should use immunoglobulin in order to avoid the infection. Immunoglobulin is a mixture that has human antibodies, right after the first exposure.
Researchers have identified two types, with the virus different for either of them. While both involve developing a rash and a high fever, these are two distinct diseases. The first one is what the majority refers to when it refers to it by the word ‘measles.