Sleep Disturbances Meaning in Urdu - Symptoms, Causes, and Prevention

Sleep Disturbances in Urdu

نیند کی ڈسٹربنس یا بے قاعدگی ایک ایسی میڈیکل حالت ہے جس میں روزانہ اچھی نیند لینے میں مشکلات کا سامنا کرنا پڑتا ہے ۔ یہ بیماری بہت عام ہوتی جا رہی ہے جس کا سبب طبی مسائل کے ساتھ ساتھ بہت زیادہ ذہنی دباؤ بھی ہو سکتا ہے ۔اکثر افراد کو بعض اوقات ذہنی دباؤ کی وجہ سے کبھی کبھار سونے میں دشواری کا سامنا کرنا پڑ سکتا ہے یا پھر زيادہ مصروفیات اور دیگر مسائل اس کا سبب بن سکتے ہیں ۔ لیکن اگر یہ مسائل روزانہ ہوں تو اس کے نتیجے مییں نیند میں بے قاعدگی کا ہونا سامنے آسکتا ہے ۔ ایسے افراد کو پرسکون نیند لینے میں دشواری ہوتی ہے جس کی وجہ سے وہ دن بھر تھکے تھکے سے رہتے ہیں ۔ نیند کی کمی کے سبب ان کا موڈ خراب ہو سکتا ہے انرجی لیول میں کمی اوقع ہو سکتی ہے جس کے ساتھ ساتھ صحت کے بہت سارے مسائل کا سامنا کرنا بھی پڑ سکتا ہےa

Doctors For Sleep Disturbances

Dr. Muhammad Nouman Anjum

PMDC Verified

General Physician, Internal Medicine Specialist, Diabetologist, Family Medicine

MBBS, Certified Diabetologist (UK), Certified Hypertension Specialist (PSIM)

92% patients experienced successful recovery


10 Yrs



Infectious Diseases Blood Pressure Heart Diseases Hypertension Diabetes Gastroentrology Covid-19 Critical Care & Management Covid-19 Home Treatment

Video Consultation

Available Today

Rs. 1,000

Cure Clinic, Garhi Shahu, Lahore

Available from Sep 01

Rs. 1,000 Pay Online & Save Rs. 100

Dr. Tabinda Batool

PMDC Verified

Neurologist, General Physician, Hypertension Specialist

MBBS, Certified Course in Hypertension by European Society of Hypertension, ASCVD Prevention Course by PSIM, Hypertension Course by PSIM, FCPS Internal Medicine (PGR), IMM


6 Yrs



Video Consultation

Available Today

Rs. 1,500

Prof. Dr. Muhammad Nadir Khan

PMDC Verified

General Physician, Psychiatrist, Internal Medicine Specialist, Diabetologist


89% patients experienced successful recovery


31 Yrs



Infectious Diseases Blood Pressure Hypertension Diabetes Thyroid Peptic Alsar Disease Liver Diabetologist Allergy Diabetes Mellitus Peptic Ulcer Fever Diarrhea Hepatitis B And C Asthma Allergy. Rhinitis

Video Consultation

Available Today

Rs. 2,500

BA Healthcare Hospital, Quetta, Quetta

Available Today

Rs. 1,500

What is Patient Recovery?

Patient Recovery measures how many patients reported feeling better after their consultation with this doctor.

The percentage is based on responses from at least 50 patients who were contacted after their consultation.

پیشینٹ ریکوری (صحت یابی) کیا ہے؟

پیشینٹ ریکوری اس چیز کا پیمانہ ہے کہ کتنے مریضوں نے اس ڈاکٹر سے علاج کے بعد اپنی صحت میں بہتری محسوس کی!

یہ فیصد کم از کم 50 مریضوں کے جوابات پر مبنی ہے جن سے علاج کے بعد رابطہ کیا گیا۔

Dr. Poonam Qazi

PMDC Verified

General Physician



11 Yrs



Infectious Diseases Blood Pressure Hormonal Issues General Practitioner Family Health Counselor Fever Diarrhea Women Wellness General Physician For Vaccination Hypertension Hepatitis Common Cold Flue Cough Covid Abdominal Pain Diarrhea Constipation Fever Typhoid

Video Consultation

Available Today

Rs. 700

Musrat Clinic, punjab, Multan

Available Today

Rs. 1,000 Pay Online & Save Rs. 100

Asst. Prof. Dr. Mujahid Israr

PMDC Verified

Gastroenterologist, Liver Specialist, General Physician, Internal Medicine Specialist

MBBS, FCPS (Gastroenterology), FCPS (Internal Medicine), FACG (US), SCE (UK), ESEGH ( European Board Of Gastroenterology & Hepatology)


15 Yrs



General Physician Endoscopy Hepatitis B & C Diabetes Diarrhea Liver Issue

Video Consultation

Available Today

Rs. 3,000

Omar Hospital & Cardiac Centre, Jail Road, Lahore

Available from Feb 24

Rs. 2,500

Ikram Hospital, Marghzar Colony, Gujrat

Available Today

Rs. 2,500

Dr. Muhammad Taimour

PMDC Verified

Pulmonologist / Lung Specialist, General Physician, Diabetologist

MBBS, DTCD (T.B and Chest Diseases), MCPS (T.B and Chest Diseases), FCCP (USA)


45 Yrs



Asthma Chest Congestion Lungs Deflation Allergies Tuberculosis

Video Consultation

Available Today

Rs. 2,500

Dha Medical Centre, DHA Defence, Lahore

Available from Feb 24

Rs. 2,500 Pay Online & Save Rs. 250

AMT Medical and Dental Centre, DHA Phase 4, Lahore

Available Today

Rs. 2,500

Summary about Sleep Disturbances in English

Sleep disorders are a group of medical conditions that make it difficult to sleep well regularly. Sleep disorders are becoming more common, whether caused by a medical condition or excessive stress. Most people experience occasional sleeping difficulties due to stress, hectic schedules, and other external influences. These issues, however, may indicate a sleeping disorder if they become frequent and interfere with daily life. Depending on the type of sleep disturbance, people with sleep disorders may have difficulty falling asleep and feeling extremely tired throughout the day. Sleep deprivation can impair energy levels, mood, concentration, and overall health.

Sleep Disturbances Facts and Figures

According to an article from the National Library of Medicine, around 30 to 48% of older adults have insomnia. Some further facts and statistics about sleep problems have been listed below:

Prevalence of Sleep Problems Worldwide 1.6% to 56.0%
Common inAdults
At-Risk GenderMales
Average Age for DiagnosisAfter 50 years
Problems related to Sleep DisturbancesInsomnia, Restless leg syndrome, Sleep Apnea
Specialists Who Treat Sleep DisturbancesGeneral Physicians / Neurologists

Symptoms of Sleep Disturbances

The symptoms vary according to the severity and type of sleeping disorder. They may also differ when another condition causes sleep disorders. However, general signs of sleep disorders include:

  • inability to fall or stay asleep
  • daytime fatigue
  • unusual breathing patterns 
  • unusual or unpleasant urges to move while sleeping 
  • unusual movement or other experiences while sleeping 
  • unintentional changes to your sleep/wake schedule
  • irritability or anxiety
  • poor performance at work or school
  • inability to concentrate
  • depression
  • gaining weight

You can get the best treatment for any kind of sleep problem from the Top General Physicians in Pakistan via Marham. Book your appointment now by calling the Marham Helpline: 0311-1222398.

Causes of Sleep Disturbances

Sleep disturbances can be caused by a variety of conditions, diseases, and disorders. Sleep disorders are frequently the result of an underlying medical condition.

  • allergies and breathing difficulties
  • arthritis with frequent urination and chronic fatigue syndrome
  • IBD (inflammatory bowel disease)
  • recurring headaches
  • ongoing lower back pain
  • anxiety and stress

You can also read more about the 5 Simple Lifestyle Changes For Better Sleep.

Preventive Measures of Sleep Disturbances

Changes in your lifestyle can help prevent sleep disturbances. You might want to consider:

  • incorporating more vegetables into your diet 
  • lowering your sugar intake
  • reducing stress and anxiety through exercise
  • adhering to a regular sleeping schedule
  • consuming less water before bedtime limits your caffeine intake, particularly in the late afternoon or evening
  • reducing your use of tobacco and alcohol
  • use smaller low-carbohydrate meals before bedtime to maintain a healthy weight