Bariatric / Weight Loss Surgeon - باریاٹرک سرجن
MBBS, FRCS Ed, Diploma In Laparoscopic Digestive Surgery
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میں نے 22 فروری کو آپریشن کروایا تھا اس وقت میرا وذن 133کلو گرام تھا ۔اج الحمدللہ 90کلو گرام ھے۔بھت اچھا احساس ھے۔ اللہ تعالیٰ کا شکر ادا کرتا ہوں اور شکریہ ڈاکٹر صاحب ۔ اللہ تعالیٰ آپ کو ھمیشہ خوش رکھے آمین ۔
I am satisfied with the doctor.
میرا وزن بڑھتا جا رہا تھا اور میں بارڈر لائن ذیابطیس 6.2 پر تھا۔ compromised زندگی گزار رہا تھا نہ نماز پڑھ پاتا تھا صحیح سے نہ واش روم میں بیٹھ پاتا تھا۔ رات کو نیند بھی بہت خراب تھی مجھے sleep apnea تھا اور خراٹوں کا مسئلہ بھی تھا ۔ ان سب مسائل کا حل مجھے بس یہی لگتا تھا کے اب سرجری کروا لینی چاہیے ہے۔ دس سال پہلے کوشش کی تھی وزن کم کرنے کی اور اس میں کامیاب بھی ہوا تھا مگر وہ پھر بڑھ گیا۔ اس بار بہت کوشش کے اور جم جانے کے باوجود میں ناکام رہا ۔ پھر ڈاکٹر تنویر رازی سے ملاقات ہوئی دل کو اطمینان ہوا ۔ انہوں نے روٹین کے ٹیسٹ لکھے HBA1C لیول 9.5 آیا ۔ یہ بہت ہی خطرناک حالت تھی اور اس نے ذہن کو بالکل ماؤف کردیا۔ میرا کلینک متاثر ہورہا تھا۔ ڈاکٹر نے کہا معمولی درد ہوگا۔ میرا تجربہ اس سے زیادہ اچھا رہا مجھے کوئی تکلیف نہیں ہوئی ۔ اگلے دن سے ہی بلڈ پریشر کی دوا بند ہو گئی۔ بلڈ شوگر نارمل ہے بغیر دوا اور انسولین کے۔ ہارٹ ریٹ میرا پہلے بہت زیادہ رہتا تھا اب وہ بھی ٹھیک رہتا ہے۔ اور چلنا پھرنا بہت بہتر ہوگیا نماز پڑھنا اٹھنا بیٹھنا سب بہت اچھا ہوگیا ہے کپڑے پہننا اچھا لگتا ہے۔ پہلے بار بار پیشاب کے لئے اٹھنا پڑتا تھا اب چھے ساتھ گھنٹے آرام سے سوتا ہوں۔ لوگ کہتے ہیں کے آپ لڑکا لگنے لگے ہیں۔ میں بہت اچھی، صحت مند اور سکون والی زندگی گزار رہا ہوں اللہ اس میں برکت ڈالے آمین۔ ڈاکٹر تنویر رازی ایک بہت ہی شاندار آدمی ہیں بہت ہی ماہر سرجن ہیں ۔ انکے ساتھ میں فالو اپ میں رہا اور انکی ساری ہدایت پر عمل کیا۔ یہ بہت ضروری ہے کہ ہم اپنے ڈاکٹر کی ہدایت پر عمل کریں۔ ڈاکٹر تنویر رازی بہت تفصیل سے سمجھاتے ہیں عام زبان میں۔ تین مہینے گزرنے کے بعد پوسٹ سرجری ٹیسٹ کروائے ہیں میرا HBA1c 5.8 ہوگیا ہے بغیر کسی دوا کے اور میرا کولیسٹرول بھی صحیح ہوگیا ہے۔ میرا آپکو مشورہ ہے یہ بہت سستا سودا ہے ۔
I am satisfied with the doctor.
میرا بیریاٹرک سرجری(sleeve-gastrectomy) کا تجربہ بہت اچھا رہا۔ ڈاکٹر تنویر رازی میرے ڈاکٹر ہے جنھوں نے لمحہ بہ لمحہ میری رہنمائ کی۔ میری سرجری کو چارماہ ہو چکے ہیں لیکن اب تک ڈاکٹر صاحب اور ان کی ٹیم مجھے گائیڈ کرتے رہتے ہیں۔ اس سرجری کے ذریعے مجھے زندگی کی نئی امید اور امنگ ملی۔ پہلے مجھے بہت سی مشکلات کے ساتھ لوگوں کے منفی رویوں کا سامنا کرنا پڑتا تھا لیکن الحمداللہ اب پورے اعتماد کے ساتھ میں سب کا سامنا کرتی ہوں۔ مجھے ہر کام میں خوشی محسوس ہوتی ہے چاہےوہ سفر ہو یا گھر کا کوئ بھی کام۔ اب میں خود کو بہت جوان محسوس کرتی ہوں۔ موٹاپہ کم ہونے سے میں نےبہت سی? بیماریاں جیسے نیند کا نہ آنا،، گھبراہٹ ،، کولیسٹرول سے اب میں محفوظ ہوں اور اب میں بہت خوش ہوں۔ زندگی اچھی لگنے لگی ہے?۔ خودکو آ ئینہ میں دیکھنا اچھا لگتا ہے بلکہ دلچسپ بات یہ ہے کہ اب میں آلتی پالتی مار کر بھی بیٹھ جاتی ہوں جبکہ پہلے ایک کرسی پہ بیٹھنا بھی مشکل ہوتا تھا ?میری آپ سب سے گزارش ہے کہ اگر آپ موٹاپے سے پریشان ہیں تو فوری ڈاکٹر تنویر رازی سے رجوع کریں اور زندگی جو کہ اللہ کی بہت بڑی نعمت ہے اس سے بھرپور لطف اٹھائیں اور خوش رہیں ۔۔۔
I am satisfied with the doctor.
مجھے ہرنیا تھا دائیں ہاتھ پر۔ میں کار میکینک ہوں۔ میں ڈاکٹر تنویر کے پاس آیا انہوں نے میرا آپریشن کیا ۔ میں صبح ایڈمٹ ہوا اور آپریشن کے بعد اُسی دن رات میں چھٹی ہوگئی۔ ایک ہفتے میں بالکل ٹھیک ہوگیا۔ ہسپتال اور اسٹاف بھی بہترین تھا۔ اور میں اللّٰہ کے کرم سے بلکل ٹھیک ہوں۔
I am satisfied with the doctor.
دو ماہ کم دو سال قبل، ہماری والدہ محترمہ کو پیٹ کی شدید تکلیف اور الٹیوں کے سبب ہسپتال لے جانا پڑا۔ ڈاکٹروں نے الٹرا ساونڈ کے ذریعے پتے میں پتھری تشخیص کی۔ ڈاکٹر رازی سے ہمارا رابطہ پہلی مرتبہ ہوا۔ ڈاکٹر صاحب نے ایک مقامی اور کم مہنگے ہسپتال میں تھیٹر ارینج کرکے مطلع کیا۔ جس دن والدہ محترمہ کو ہسپتال میں داخل کیا گیا، ضروری تجزیہ جات کے بعد اسی دن لیب کولی ٹیکنیک کے ذریعہ پتہ جسم خارج کردیا گیا۔ چند گھنٹے مشاہدے کے بعد جنرل وارڈ میں منتقل کردیا۔ اگلے دن ڈاکٹر صاحب نے دوپہر کو دورہ کیا، والدہ کا معائنہ کیا۔ حالت تسلی بخش پا کر رخصت دے دی۔ ہم اللہ کا شکر ادا کرتے ہیں کہ آپریشن کے دوران اور مابعد کوی دشواری یا پیچیدگی کا سامنا نہیں کرنا پڑا۔ ہم سب اہل خانہ مع والدہ صاحبہ بہترین انتظام اور معالجہ کیلئے ڈاکٹر رازی اور ان کی ٹیم کیلئے دعاگو ہیں۔ مع السلام۔ سعد
I am satisfied with the doctor.
السلام علیکم۔ میری سرجری کو چّھ مہینے ہونے والے ہیں۔ مجھے کمر درد اور گھٹنوں میں درد کی شکایت تھی۔ اور ہر ڈاکٹر صرف وزن کم کرنے کے مشورے دے رہا تھا۔ میں ہر ممکن کوشش کر چکی تھی وزن کم کرنے کی مگر ہو نہیں رہا تھا۔ آخرکار میں نے bariatric surgery کروائی اور الحَمدُ للّہ میرا وزن کم ہونا شروع ہوگیا۔ کسی بھی ڈاکٹر کے پاس ہم جاتے ہیں اگر اچھا ڈاکٹر ہو تو مریض پر سکون رہتا ہے۔ اور ماشاء اللہ ڈاکٹر تنویر رازی احمد بہت ہی نرم مزاج اور ہر بات کو تفصیل سے سمجھانے والے اور مریض کے سارے خدشات دور کرنے والے بہترین ڈاکٹر ہیں۔ اور اچھے ڈاکٹر کے ساتھ میرا وزن کم ہونا شروع ہوا۔ اس وقت چھے ماہ بعد میرا وزن تقریباً ستائیس کلو کم ہوا ہے۔ میری تکلیفیں ساٹھ فی صد کم ہوگئی ہیں۔ مجھے سیڑھی چڑھنے اترنے میں ، کوئی بھاری کام کرنے میں ، ذیادہ چلنے میں، الحَمدُ للّہ کوئی مسئلہ نہیں۔ سب سے بڑی بات میں نے رمضان کے روزے رکھے اور مجھے کوئی مسئلہ نہیں ہوا۔ مجھے پہلے فجر کی نماز اور مغرب کی نماز میں زیادہ پانی پینے سے بہت مشکل ہوتی تھی۔ پیٹ میں بہت کھینچاو ہوتا تھا پر اب الحَمدُ للّہ یہ مسئلہ بھی حل ہوگیا۔ میں بہت خوش ہوں یہ سرجری کروا کر۔ مجھے افسوس ہوتا ہے کے میں نے اس آپریشن میں دیر کیوں کی۔ اب میں بہت خوش ہوں اچھے کپڑے پہنے کا تیار ہونے کا ، کھل کر خوش ہونے کا۔ سب سے زیادہ خوشی ہوتی ہے کے اب مجھے بیٹی کے پریگننسی کے وقت کے کپڑے آجاتے ہیں۔ میں اپنی بیٹی کے وہ کپڑے پہنتی ہیں۔ الحمدللہ۔
I am satisfied with the doctor.
اَلسَلامُ عَلَيْكُم وَرَحْمَةُ اَللهِ وَبَرَكاتُهُ آج میں آپ سے اپنا وہ تجربہ شیر کرنا چاہتی ہوں جو میری زندگی کا حاصل ھے, گیسٹرک بائے پاس سے پہلے میں بہت سی بیماریوں کا شکار تھی دل کی تکلیف ہڈیوں میں درد چلنا پھرنا مشکل تھا blood pressure بہت زیادہ رہتا تھا۔ ہائی ڈوز انسولین کے بعد بھی شوگر ہائی رہتی تھی بس یہ سمجھ لیں کہ مشکل ترین زندگی گزار رہی تھی۔ لیکن پھر میرے Husband اور میں نے فیصلہ کیا کہ مجھے اپنی Bariatric Surgery کرانا چاہیے۔ سرجری کے بعد تو جیسے زندگی ہی بدل گئی نا امیدی خوشی میں بدل گٸی ماشاءاللہ میں دوڑنے لگی ۔ ذیابطیس، بلڈ پریشر ، جوڑوں کا درد ، خراٹوں کا مسئلہ ختم ہوگیا۔ جو کام میں پہلے نہیں کر سکتی تھی وہ اب بہت آسانی سے کرلیتی ہوں ۔ باتیں بہت ہیں اب کیا کیا بتاٶں ہاں ایک بات جو سب سے اہم ہے وہ ڈاکٹر تنویر رازی کے بارے میں نہ بتانا اخلاقی جرم ہوگا ڈاکٹر تنویر رازی وہ انسان ہیں جن کی نیکیوں اور اچھائیوں کو لفظوں میں بیان نہیں کیا جاسکتا یہ میں آپ کو اپنا تجربہ بتا رہی ہوں میں ڈاکٹر تنویر سے پہلے بہت سے ڈاکٹرز سے ملی سب نے اپنے اپنے طریقے سے میرا علاج کیا نہ تو میں ذہنی طور پر مطمئن ہوئی اور نہ ہی جسمانی طور پر ٹھیک ہوئی۔ جب میں اور میرے شوہر ڈاکٹر تنویر سے ملے تو ہمیں لگا کہ ہم ٹھیک جگہ آۓ ہیں اور آج میری سرجری کو دو سال ہو گئے ہیں ۔ ڈاکٹر تنویر رازی قابل احترام، انسان دوست ڈاکٹر ہیں ان میں بہت انکساری اور ملنساری ھے, یہ کسی کو بھی مایوس نہیں کرتے ہر ایک کے کام آتے ہیں میرے ساتھ تو ہمیشہ انہوں نے نیکی کی ہے میں اُن کی بہت عزت اور احترام کرتی ہوں۔ اللہ تعالٰی آپ کے ہاتھ میں اور شفإ دے ۔ آمین۔ عفت غفار
I am satisfied with the doctor.
اسلام وعلیکم میں ایک ہاوس وائف ہوں۔اپنے زائد وزن سے بہت تھک چکی تھی۔دو سال سے ڈائبیٹک ہو چکی تھی۔اکثر بلڈ پریشر بھی تھوڑا بڑھ جاتا تھا۔جگر پر بھی چربی آ گی تھی۔وہی سارے مسئلے جو کہ عموماً بڑھتے وزن کے ساتھ ہوتے ہیں مجھے بھی تھے۔کافی سرچ کے بعد گیسٹرک بائپاس کا فیصلہ کیا۔نیٹ پر سرچ کیا تو ڈاکٹر تنویر کا پتہ چلا۔ بس پھر کیا تھا ایک ہی ہفتے میں سرجری کروانے کی ٹھان لی۔ الحمدللہ سرجری کے بعد ڈائبیٹیز ختم ہو گئ اور اب خود کو کافی ہلکا پھلکا محسوس کرتی ہوں۔ سرجری کروانا کافی فائدہ مند ثابت ہوئ۔پہلے میرا وزن 140 کلو تھا سرجری کو ابھی صرف 4 ماہ ہی ہوئے ہیں اور اب میرا وزن 118 کلو ہے انشاللہ ابھی مزید کم ہوگا۔ واقعی موٹاپا تمام بیماریوں کی جڑ ہے۔
I am satisfied with the doctor.
اسلام و علیکم میں ایک ہاؤس وائف ہوں ۔ بڑھتے وذن سے بہت پریشان تھی۔ پری ڈائبیٹک ہو چکی تھی۔ ڈاکٹر تنویر رازی کا پتا چلا ان سے مشورے کے بعد بہت ہمت کر کے سرجری (گیسٹرک بائپاس ) کروایا۔ میں 14 سال سے دمے کے مرض میں مبتلا تھی مگر سرجری کے بعد سب پتا ہی نہی چلا کب دمہ ختم ہوا اور اب بہت سی چیزیں بہتر ہو رہی ہیں ۔ سرجری کروانا میرے لیے بہت مفید ثابت ہوا اور میں بہت مطمئن ہوں۔ میرا وزن 89 کیلو تھا سرجری کو 6 ماہ ہی ہوے ہیں اور وزن 70 کیلو ہو گیا ہے ۔ انشااللہ آگے اور بہتری آۓ گی ۔ سچ میں وزن ایک بہت بڑی بیماری ہے۔
I am satisfied with the doctor.
Zain Ul Abideen I have struggled with weight all my life. I’ve tried several diets and medicines and thought “this is the one.” Only to find I would put the weight back on and then some. I knew the older I got it would be harder for it to come off. I’ve struggled with depression, anxiety, high BP, joint pain and diabetes. My doctor told me if I wanted to live long enough to see my grandchildren’s grow up, I needed to make some serious changes. I decided to research having bariatric surgery. It was the best decision I have ever made. With my doctor, we made the decision to have the Gastric Sleeve surgery. Not only do I feel great, my doctor has removed me from all my diabetic, and high blood pressure medications. I had my bariatric surgery in September of 2019. My only regret I have is that I didn’t do it sooner.
I am satisfied with the doctor.
Zain Ul Abideen Dr. Tanveer is excellent in his profession, always guides, Keeps in touch for follow-ups after my surgery. I am very much satisfied with his approach and practice.
I am satisfied with the doctor.
Went there for bariatric surgery. Dr. Tanvir himself is very kind, understanding and empathetic doctor. His team is great as well. Dr. Tanvir ensures that all the concerns of his patients are addressed to their satisfaction. Dr. Tanvir also ensures that he is available for his patients at all times. Same goes for his team members. Great experience so far.
I am satisfied with the doctor.
We came from wah cantt specially to operate for weight lose from Dr obesity clinic.Dr tanvir raazi Ahmad operates my mother sleeve gastrectomy. Dr and their staff is very kind and cooperative. we are highly satisfied from surgery.
I am satisfied with the doctor.
Very good Dr Tanvir. Happy with consultation
I am satisfied with the doctor.
Very friendly and professional doctor. There are very few doctors who are humble and approachable, he is one of those.
I am satisfied with the doctor.
Today is my one year anniversary from my Sleeve surgery! Lost 60lbs (28Kgs) so far and feeling Fantastic in my “renovated” body ❤️. Have to Thank Dr Tanvir Raazi Ahmed for making this a perfect journey and his amazing team specially Beenish … This Journey starts when I was in Pakistan( flew from Canada) someone recommended me to Dr Tanvir Raazi Ahmed, I had contemplated the surgery I was very Skeptical but After meeting Dr Tanvir literally I took a decision right away and scheduled my surgery within 3 days .. My First priority was Hospital Hygiene and post surgery care TBH I have a high standard for this and Dr Tanvir and his staff are Up to in it … I never met this much tranquil and patience Dr ever believe me he listen me carefully , answers all my annoying questions and sometime I’m so frustrated he always calm me down lolz.. He has been fully supportive and available 24/7, he is confident in his decisions .. After loosing weight I feel so confident, flowing and Vibrant , I start loving my self again, I feel better, I can do more and have gotten my happiness back that I never even knew I lost. Proud of how far I’ve come. Looking back this was the best decision I made for my life. I would recommend it to anyone
I am satisfied with the doctor.
this is the best batriatic surgeon in town he is very professional
I am satisfied with the doctor.
The team was very welcoming and patient, guiding me from the beginning of the procedure and keeping me motivated throughout.
I am satisfied with the doctor.
The most humble doctor and amazing surgeon.
I am satisfied with the doctor.
The first time I visited Dr. Raazi, I was quite apprehensive. I had a million questions and Dr Raazi took the time to make me comfortable and answer all my queries. In the many months since then, Dr. Raazi and his team have always surpassed expectations in terms of care and support. Not only is he a talented and gifted doctor, his bedside manner is the cherry on top of the cake (protein shake) :)
I am satisfied with the doctor.
The experience was too good I am completely satisfied with the surgery and the staff was too good I don't have any complications after surgery
I am satisfied with the doctor.
The environment is excellent, very friendly, and highly satisfactory. The staff is exceptional, and the doctor provides utmost satisfaction. Thanks a lot.
I am satisfied with the doctor.
The best MGB surgeon in town.
I am satisfied with the doctor.
Thank you Dr. Tanveer Razi for this miracle changes in my life, weight loss journey is absolutely a wow feeling as always but weight loss with energetic way is a blessing. Every single day I'm feeling more energetic and more passionate to achieve my weight target. No downsizing, no worries. Now I'm traveling to XXL to large size and it's amazing. My lower body is too huge rather than my uper body and around 3months i lost 5 inches in my lower body without any exercise. It's great... Allhumdulilah. For Everything. My weight is 100kg Now I'm crossing 80kg... 🥰
I am satisfied with the doctor.
Shukar Alhumdulillah Alhumdulillah 😇 I had my MGB on 26-3-2024 and Alhumdulillah I am very satisfied with my decision specially for choosing Dr Tanvir sb who is a very humble person ❤️
I am satisfied with the doctor.
I am satisfied with the doctor.
I am satisfied with the doctor.
Salam everyone! My aunt got her Laparoscopic Cholecystectomy from Dr. Tanvir back in January. She had been suffering for quite a while because of the stones that had accumulated in her gallbladder. This was an ongoing problem and she was still afraid of the surgery. However, when she met Dr. Tanvir, she was quite satisfied with his care, support, and expertise. He was with her throughout the journey which started from her first visit to the clinic and ended up with follow-up visits after the surgery. She was given the utmost amount of care from Dr. Tanvir. He was continuously available over the phone, responding to the smallest of issues. Very few surgeons are that dedicated towards their patients and their problems.
I am satisfied with the doctor.
Safia adeel "I have done diets and exercise throughout my lifetime and have lost large amounts of weight. Each time, the weight has come back. As my age goes up and my health declines, I know I have to do something more. Getting the gastric sleeve was the best thing that I have done for myself. Ever. The day of surgery I knew that I would wake up in pain and possibly nauseous but that all would be fine. I won’t say this journey has been easy. There is no easy fix to weight loss. My new stomach was only a tool given to me by my surgeon Dr Tanvir Raazi to help me in weight loss journey. But what I can say: It has changed me. I have learned that my life doesn’t need to revolve around food. I have learned to make better choices and understand that, since surgery, everything I eat and how I exercise will affect my journey, and to maintain my loss, I need to continue working at this every day. I would like to thanks Dr Tanvir Raazi, he’s an amazing human being … the most compassionate doctor I’ve ever met,” Dr. Tanvir gave me a tool to take my life back.”
I am satisfied with the doctor.
Overall satisfied with Dr Tanveer Razi Ahmed sb and his team.
I am satisfied with the doctor.
Over all iam very Satisfied 👍🏻
I am satisfied with the doctor.
One of the best doctor with best team, I must say!
I am satisfied with the doctor.
Obesity is a disease. The fact that it is indeed a ‘Disease’ is not well recognised or even acknowledged by our societies. Hence it is significantly associated with psychological burdens. My weight loss journey or struggle is no different from any other obese person’s. At this stage let be obese or morbidly obese does not matter. Both feel the same set of emotional and moral turmoil aggravated with passive mood swings, depression, self loathe, self esteem, quality of life and body image. Now almost 2 years post bariatric surgery, I can confidently say that weight gain is the least of my worries. My weight loss has encouraged psychological improvements in me. From depression, eating disorders, social pressures, anxiety, mood swings to panic attacks, cravings, self loathing, everything that seemed out of control because of being over weight, now seems to have no space in my life any more. Though i have gained a bit of a weight back but still I try to make concious healthy choices. I have said this before and will say it again that Dr Tanvir Raazi is my superstar. From the pre surgery to post, he has a remarkable quality to go out of the way to make sure all your questions are answered. He has worked with me to address my health concerns rather than to just telling me what to do. He makes sure that he and me were both on the same page and comfortable. His quality of work and commitment to service is highly commendable as it isclearly reflected through his work ethics. He bonds with his patients on personal level to keep a check on them even years after surgery. At last but not the least I would just like to add my deepest appreciation for Dr. Tanvir Raazi’s incredible professionalism, amazing compassion and comprehensive care for me. For me and my family, Dr Tanvir Raazi remains unparalleled on so many levels by far. May Allah Almighty bless him with more success in this world and Hereafter. Ameen
I am satisfied with the doctor.
Nice experience. DR.TANVIR RAAZI AHMED is very helpful and kind. First when the Dr told me about the surgery I was very afraid of this but now I realized that my decision of the surgery was right.
I am satisfied with the doctor.
Never written reviews,but this was well deserved .Billion thanks to Dr Tanvir Raazi who did my Gastric sleeve Surgery .I heard about Dr Tanvir Raazi alot, and decided to meet regarding my weight loss journey.As nothing was working out in regards to my weight loss.And finally I met Dr Tanvir...the way Dr Tanvir explained me about the surgery and it's fruitful effects, I just decided and had my Gastric sleeve Surgery on 25-9-2021without giving a second thought. This was the best decision in my life I ever made.Was discharged on my own decision on the very same day.....was perfectly fine. AlhumdulilAllah. No incision pain at all. Had my surgery at Pasha Clinic, I got all facilities under one roof. Highly trained staff who was on toes for their patients.Never have felt that happier or confident in my own skin,as I lost 7-8 kgs in a month.Dr Tanvir I am so great ful to have undergone surgery from u and thankful for all u have done.God bless U...Wish u health, happiness and more success.I would greatly recommend him. Thanks.
I am satisfied with the doctor.
My weight was 130 kgs before I had Laparoscopic Sleeve Gastrectomy Alhamdulillah now I am 92kgs I lost 38 kgs.I am very thankfull to Dr Tanvir Raazi Ahmed and his team for giving me a new life.I enjoy my life to the fullest now and I feel very healthy and happy.
I am satisfied with the doctor.
My sister had lap chole with Dr Tanvir. Fast recovery good diagnosis best result
I am satisfied with the doctor.
My review about my journey in weight loss journey from the First day till now. I've been always overweight almost my childhood till now lots of complications being overweight low confidence and lists goes on. I was 173 kgs when I visited Dr Tanvir clinic first time, it was such a wonderful experience which I had till today I am happy about the changes in my health I had sleeves surgery I didn't have complications after surgery. One month after my surgery I feel fantastic thank God I found Dr Tanvir and his team did alot till now. They keep in touch every single day to check up on us. Allah brings more and more blessings to this Dr Tanvir. Alhumdulilah My weight is 145 kgs now. If anyone is having second thoughts please don't it a life changing I have experience it myself and I am highly satisfied.
I am satisfied with the doctor.
My overall experience was so good and best , I am very satisfied. I loss so much weight after surgery even staff was so good and doctor was so great the way he talk was so good.
I am satisfied with the doctor.
My name is Zafar Ali Shah I came from Jacobabad for my Sleeve operation 1 year ago. Dr tanvir did a fabulous job. Now I have lost 40 kgs and my life has changed drastically. I can walk I can exercise I feel so active and better now. Sugar gone. Highly recommend.
I am satisfied with the doctor.
My name is Tahira Junejo and i'm 56 years old. I was at 114 kgs when the doctor conducted my surgery. In a duration of 3 months i lost 18 kilos. Before the surgery i had severe knee pain, shortness of breath and difficulty in even taking short walks but now Alhamdulillah i walk very comfortably and don't have knee and joint pain. Dr. Tanveer is an excellent doctor who conducts excellent consultations for his patients and treats them with utmost care and attention. If anyone has issues with their weight and health i would suggest Dr. Tanveer as i am very satisfied with his quality of treatment.
I am satisfied with the doctor.
My name is Sumair and its my 12th day after surgery and now my bp is normal and i stopped taking tablet i was prediabetic my sugar is under control and stop taking tablet not taking cholesterol tablet anymore and no more pain killers. My knee pain is better and back pain os better. The staff take proper follow up and are always available any problem and they are there to help overall its a good experience and recommended
I am satisfied with the doctor.
My name is Sumair and its my 12 day of surgery. Overall it is gr8 experience i lost auick weight as i am following their diet chart properly and following are the quick changes, i am no more taking sugar tablet its absolutely normal no more bp tablets no more cholesterol tablet my knee pain is over my back pain is over no more pain killers . There staff is always available and is helpful and answer any question asked anytime overall its gr8 experienced and best decision i took in life. Recommended
I am satisfied with the doctor.
My name is Sana Shahrukh. I'm 36. Before marriage my weight was 55 but after marriage my weight started to increase. I was suffering from high blood pressure, high cholesterol, stress,sarvicle, harmonal issues, and a lot. Then one day I found out about the biotic surgery after doing some research I discovered about Dr Tanveer Raazi. We had 2 meetings it was decided that I will have a sleeve surgery. Before the surgery I had 95 Kg weight.After 6 months of the surgery I noticed that I lost a lot of weight, now I have 75 kg weight. Mashallah now most of my diseases are cured and I'm back in my shape. I'm so satisfied and I would suggest others who are also suffering from the same condition. Jazak Allah....
I am satisfied with the doctor.
My name is Mrs. Rafiq, I am 55 years old. From last few years my weight was increasing day by day because of this I got several problems like arthritis, cholesterol, uric acid, blood pressure and sugar on the boderline. Because of all this problems I was facing difficulties while walking. Then I find Dr. Tanveer Raazi he guided me best about the surgery. After taking guidance I made a decision to go for surgery on 7 dec 2022, it was a great experience, my problems are almost finish and weight is also losing with time. Thank you Dr. Tanvir Alhamdulillah!
I am satisfied with the doctor.
My name is Mrs. Rafiq, I am 55 years old. From last few years my weight was increasing day by day because of this I got several problems like arthritis, cholesterol, uric acid, blood pressure and sugar on the boderline. Because of all this problems I was facing difficulties while walking. Then I find Dr. Tanveer Raazi he guided me best about the surgery. After taking guidance I made a decision to go for surgery on 7 dec 2022, it was a great experience, my problems are almost finish and weight is also losing with time. Thank you Dr. Tanvir Alhamdulillah!
I am satisfied with the doctor.
my name is Moona khan, I traveled from dubai to meet Dr tanveer for my gastric sleeve surgery, as i have heard so many life changing stories from my friends and relatives and also researched about hin on google, Once a person sit with Dr tanveer he /she is so convinced by his diagnosis’s , by his expertise in this particular operation for weight loss , BEST DOCTOR IS KARACHI FOR BARIATIC SURGERY, He is so kind and first listen to patient and give enough time , not like other doctors, He is very down to earth, I got admitted in morning and the other day i was at home , very less pain for 2 days only, Allah gave shifa in his hands , And after surgery the best part is he is always there to help you and answer every phone call or msgs , May Allah bless him with all the happiness , long life and wealth ,
I am satisfied with the doctor.
My name is Kamran Asif and i laparoscopic gastric bypass surgery from Dr. Tanvir. My constant weight gain was continuously causing me problems and made my lifestyle very unhealthy. My bp was constantly high and i would have a hard time doing simple tasks. I got the surgery done in September 2019 and it has changed my life. Dr Tanvir did a complete breakdown that will happen pre and post surgery and also explained all the benefits of getting this done. It was very easy to get in touch with him online and just fly in for my surgery a few days after. I have reached my goal of 65kg and i have never felt better. Highly recommend this.
I am satisfied with the doctor.
My mother was suffering from Gall stones. I brought her to Dr Tanvir Raazi Ahmad. He gave proper time to us and his diagnosis was very good. The procedure (Lap Chole) was done next week and mother recovered pretty quickly. I would always recommend Dr Tanvir and his team.
I am satisfied with the doctor.
My mother had Mini gastric bypass surgery from Dr Tanvir Raazi Ahmad. She lost 12 kgs in 1 month. Feeling happy. All staff especially Beenish is very cooperative.