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Asking for Self, Female, 26 years old, Islamabad
I m having bad breath k thore der bad he bad breath wale smell ho hate i m nt having any visivle stomach issue kindly guide wht to do for bad breath i m alresdt using mouthwash but its nt wrking kindly guide
Visit any Dentist to examine calculus,Gingivitis and Periodontitis
Go for cleaning of ur teeth
Bad Breath can result from Poor Oral Hygiene (in most of the pts).It is my humble request to all patients to send some pics of different angle so that Dental fraternity will response to your queries properly.
Visit to your nearest Dentist for proper diagnosis and management(treatable condition)
Best Regards
Aoa,bad breath may be due to accamulation of plaque,calculus,tartar or because of poor oral hygiene or swollen can be rectified my deep scaling & polishing(tooth cleansing & polishing).secondly you have multiple cavities in your mouth and food got struck in between the cavities resulting in bad wrong brushing techniques or you may have space in between your teeth so food got struck resulting in bad come to clinic for expert opinion & treatment options.
AA. The problem you are describing seems related to infection of gums which can not be cured by any toothpaste or mouthwash alone. If you have gingivitis, you’d have to get a complete gum treatment by a dentist. However, a detailed examination is mandatory to reach the pinpoint diagnosis.
consult some good dentist. scaling is advised
Dear patient in 90% of patients smell is because of localised problem which could be your gums not teeth.
gums are the hidden culprits to accumulate food particles which can not b removed through brushing
if you are in Islamabad visit me I'll give u proper hygiene instructions along with detailed scaling root debridement & polishing .
stay blessed.
You should use enziclor mouthwash twice daily and get scaling and polishing done if you haven't already. scaling is recommended once evrry year. bad breath is usually caused by bleeding from gums which is a sign of periodontal problems. scaling is a basic procedure that addresses that issue
Anonymous User
Bad breath usually caused by retained plaque and calculus, you need to visit a dentist for scaling and prophylaxis evaluation.
You need scaling
bad breath can have multiple underlying causes like diabeties gum dieseases get your oral hyagiene checked properly
need to explore the cause then let you know the solution of your problem
1st you do scaling and eat Food early and take some to chew
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