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Asking for Self, Male, 35 years old, MULTAN
Bad, breath plus due to smoking teeth are are very dirty
get scaling and polishing done. and maintain a good oral health afterwards
Aoa. Bad breath is due to so many reasons. It may be due to non brushing habits before going to sleep, dry mouth, smoking, swollen/bleeding gums and/or due to other medication of so. Better to visit for exact siagnoss6and then treatment. Contact MARHAM for appointment. Regards
u need scaling n polishing with oral hygiene instructions
Mostly it's due to Gingivitis and periodontitis ,ist you must do SPT and polishing then proceed
Go for scaling first. Than maintain oral hygiene by brushing twice, flossing daily using mouthwash for rinses.
you need to change ur habit of smoking.u need scaling n oral hygiene instructions
You just get scaling and polishing done .
IA no bad smell bad smell in mouth is due to bacteria hiding in gums causing bleeding in gums also the bad smell is due to carious teeth where the bacteria ferment and produces bad smell .
We will do your cleaning first and check for the caries .
If the root cause is removed you wount be facing this problem again .
And some of the stains they go away with polishing but some deeper stains needs professional teeth whitening .
Do not worry just come to clinic .
Dear patient! You need to undergo Ultrasonic Scaling and Polishing treatment after which you will be prescribed a special toothpaste and mouthwash. It will help you get rid of bad breath, stains and dirt from your teeth and it’ll further restore your gums to a healthy state.
Go for scaling. Try to brush your teeth after smoking to prevent stains.
Dear patient as you know the cause of your stains already
so u need to stop or slow down smoking for sure not for your teeth but for your over all health.
1stly get the detailed scaling n polishing done immidiately
after that try to maintain your oral hygiene by visiting dentist every 6 months
2ndly bad breath if is because of smoking thats gonna go away or imprive after scaling otherwise we need to findout the cause 1st.
you need to go for scaling as soon as kindly stop smoking it's really bad for health,you can stop it gradually
i can help you out
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