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Asking For Other, Female 4, Karachi
My 4 years old girl has got too much black cavity in her teeth. I make her brush twice a day but still she is continuously getting more and more.. Yes she eats candies, chocolates but in moderation and then brush regularly.. But cavity is not going away.. What should be done? Kia bacho k teeth scaling hoti hy? She uses colgate toothpaste And Abc toothpaste in morning
Visit a dentist to check her teeth and to make her understand how to maintain oral hygiene
if you are in karachi you can visit me for better diagnosis and treatment
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the cavities must be filled before the teeth get painful
Hello, cavities don’t go away with brushing. Brushing might stop the cavities from getting worse. You need to get fillings done
she should visit a dentist immediately without thinking twice.
go to dental surgeon for complete evaluation after OpG Xray..
Fisrt of all visit a dentist near by you for treatment of cavity and 2ndly make her habitual of night time brushing,try to maintain good oral hygiene and decrease amount candies …and yes sacling is not treatment of cavity ,it should be filled or should do pulpectomy depends upon depth of cavity
brushing habit not eradicate the cavities get them fillings and restriction from feeder
Advised filling
limit intake of sweets. After eating do water rinses. Get proper evaluation from a dentist.
Visit peadriatic for proper evaluation and consuelling.Make sure to reduce the intake of candies,chocolates and food that cause caries rapidly. Avoid feeding milk in feeder in whole night while sleeping.It is major cause of geetting babybottle caries in childrens.cavites should be examined and proper treatment or pulpotomy is done of how much carious the tooth is.
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She doesn't drink milk at night.. Also i make sure to brush her teeth before bed and in the morning as well
2 years ago
yes you can proceed for scaling and floride applications,Filling and Pulpectomy
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