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Asking for Self, Female, 23 years old, Karachi
2 days ago I posted a question about the pain on the side of ribs. I want to give an update that the pain is still here and it has somehow gone towards the back as well. So my back hurts too. Again, its not a sharp pain but its uncomfortable. I also have a pain on the right side of the rib it is kind of a bone where its paining when I touch the bone it hurts. So its kind of the pain on the right and sides going towards back as well. I live in Canada. The clinics and hospitals are only taking Covid patients so I cant go to the doctor. What should I do?? Its been 5 days. This was the question that I posted 2 days ago just for the reference. "Assalamualaikum, I am 23(F) unmarried. I have this pain on the right side below ribs which also goes towards back.. what can be the reason.? I just have pain no other symptons at all.. its been 2 3 days since I have this pain. Tried stretching, exercising its not helping. Moreover, its not a very sharp pain but its just there its uncomforta
Dr. Humaira Rahim
there are few possibilities
it can be 1.gall bladder pain
2.muscular pain
3.kidney pain
u can take panadol as required
plenty of water
and ...
avoid fatty and junk food
if it doesn't work..u need to do ultrasound to rule out any sinister pathology
Wasalam. Do you maintian a good weight? D9byouveat fatty spicy food?Does the pain get away on certain movement..then can be muscular and back pain is referred. f the pain aggravates after eating or any bloating and is arising below the rib or at times in the centre of the highest pint of abdomen then suspect gallbladder. Kidney pain shoild arise from behind and travel to front pelvic area. Nonetheless keep yourself hydrated. If your not sleeping right or have a bad posture or tend to carry more body weight as required could be muscular pain if pain and would occur on certain movements only. If this is sudden have you lifted any heavy weight or been lying down or sitting wrongly? Have you had your appendix removed or still have it.
Take Buscipan 10mg (hyoscune) dont know if the brand name would be available over counter in Canada so follow chemical name.If pain arise after eating or is burning pain.
Dull Painfull ache which on certain movement or gets relieved on rest is most probably muscular. So Advil 200mg 12 hourly would do. Bit dont take pain killers on empty stomach a slice of bread or a biscuit would do with water ofcourse.
Have you had any recent chest infections or smoke?
Best Regards,
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