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Asking for Self, Female, 27 years old, Hyderabad
I had intercourse on 1 nov and took ecp within 24 hrs or less , on 13 nov I was having brown discharge and after few days had my period (not on my due date but before it), after my periods are over I am having dull lower abdomen pain which comes and goes also my stomach growl sometimes ,I want to know that am I pregnant or what ? or is there something else ? I also had serum beta hcg test on 9th December , and result was <0.100mIU/ml , but still I have abdomen pain and Sometimes my pelvic hurts , and my pain is not regular , kindly help me out with my situation , this is happening with me first time .
- wellcome and thanks for preffering Marham for your health Consultation.
- Dear serum beta hcg showing negative pregnancy status .
- post emergency Contraceptives could disturb periods and can cause irregular bleeding .
- pain could be due to hormonal imbalance or other pelvic Complete treatment for any health issue u have .
- have balanced diet , weight and Bmi.
- Complete treatment for any health issue u have .
-observe Symmptoms strictly .
-'have plenty of fluids .
- do have one urinalysis ,high vaginal swab and urine culture .
- follow with reports .
- have easily digestable diet .
- have fruits ,vegetables and plenty of fluids .
- don't take more hormones just wait for body to readjust hormones itself
- Best of luck.
no pregnancy
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