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Asking for Sister, Female, 35 years old, Sukkur
She is facing this problem for almost two years her creatinine is 7.8 right now she has consulted many nephrologist but creatinine is not decreasing. She is scared of dialysis because some drs are saying this is life long process but some drs are saying 1 or 2 times dialysis would be required because your kidneys are not totally non functional and She is not facing the problems like swelling etc
Thanks for consulting on this platform. She has an advanced renal disease but you didn't mention any underlying disease i.e cause of renal disease. so please give a detailed history of her illness including other tests and imaging like ultrasound , XRay etc. after that some one from us will give you better answer.
if she is case of ESRD without uremic symptoms can be managed conservatively. so go for 24hours urinary creatinine +volume+protiens for estimation of GFR. if GFR less than 10 . then go for renal replacement therapy.
Aoa ! Do you have any previous medical history ? or using any kind of medicine ?
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