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Asking For Other, Male 1, Karachi
My nephew has a head bump since birth. It was soft in the starting and now it has hardened. He was born in 37-38th week by emergency operation after two (2) failed inductions. There was twenty minutes delay in the operation as the doctor was not present.
Some people are saying it is normal and will be fine in few months. Hospital's pediatric told that it's fine. Other specialists has raised concerns about it
Kindly help in this regard. The baby is active and absolutely fine Alhamdulillah in other regards.
it will be better if u share a pic . as far as i can understand the baby was delivered with prolong and difficult labour. it seem to be subcutaneous swelling which occured during induction. it usually takes 6 months to calcify and disapear.
age of baby?
it can be subcutaneous bleed at scalp area. it will go off with the time. so no need to worry.
3 years ago
it will resolve on its own
but better to visit a peadiatricain for physical examination
Persisting at one month of age, the swelling looks like a bleed underneath scalp in which Calcium has started to deposit making it turn hard over time. It will disappear over time without affecting infant’s health. A photo would have been helpful in making an almost definitive diagnosis.
Post Owner
I have attached a picture of baby's head
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It is a bleed between the scalp and skull bone. We call it a Cephalhaematoma. It is not uncommon in babies born in difficult labours. It does not have any ill effects on their health. It may take months but will completely resolve.
3 years ago
Post Owner
I have uploaded it in the post. Kindly check
3 years ago