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Asking for Other, Male, 11 years old, azerbaijan
my son was complaining about pain in heels and legs after little walk and exercise so i did vitamin d test. Second problem is that mostly his pants are wet because of urine drops but he is not aware of that.
he has severe vitamin d deficiency, he needs mega doses of vitamin d better to take consultation n start early vitamin d n address other urinary problem also.
his urine prob need to be addressed as its very unusual to have urinay incontinence at ds age
will u tell me frm which age u have noticed his pants being wet?
is he growing well?
is there history of any recurrent febrile illness
any history of constipation
Controversy exists regarding the optimal 25-hydroxy vitamin D levels. According to John Hopkins University guidelines Vitamin D deficiency is labelled when the levels are less than 10 ng/ml. It would be worth investigating his bone profile and kidney functions as he has urinary symptoms, too, especially if he has faltering growth. As regards his blood counts I would consider them acceptable.
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