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Asking For Other, Male 2, multan
baby is of 2 months and taking BF1 milk is too costly and cant we switch to it be safe?
there is no alternate of mother's milk, so preferably go for breast feeding
lactogen 1.
should ne ok. BUT.
give mother feed. that is best for baby. no substitute for it. if you want your baby grow healthy and sharp brain development, Mother feed is best.
lactogen and bf1 both are formula milk, can be given in place of each other. these are not substitute to mother's milk which is neither costly nor unsafe so your concerns can be redolved by giving mother milk. baby is just 2 months old so don't deprive him/her of this. it also helps in building bond between mother and baby.
Yrs lactogen 1 is good option
good formula milk are too much expensive now and milk changing is not good for baby health his gut will disturb by doing this there is no any replacement of mother kindly give it to that to your baby if u haven't then take Consultation there is too much diet or supplement option for you why you will easily jump to formula milk it's not good for baby health and baby not grow in healthy way plz think about it
I will not recommend any product of Nestlé because it's not save for human beings and specially in other develop countries they totally ban it. I will recommend mother feed is the best milk for your child.
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