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Asking for Other, Male, 4 years old, Muzaffarabad
Doc my daughter is 4 year old she use to do pee in washroom but not poop she always afraid to do poop in washroom. She cry alot everytime and said am scared of the seat(every type of) what can you suggest me she always hold her poop that cause constipation
Toilet training is must in children. She use to hold stool, get her to washroom 2hrs after meal and stay with her as its routine. She vl b trained soon by this practice if apply regularly.
how's her screen time ? does she watch cartoon?
train him slowly she will get better encourage her by giving some goods r her favourite things
...give her proper solid diet too
Make it a fun activity. reward her after pooping in toilet.
you can show her cartoons , children catch it quicker when they see their favourite character encouraging pooping in toilet seat.
asalam o alikom
yeah its encopresis .needs to be treated on time can lead to constipation and recurrent urinary infection and anal fissures
all this child need is toilet training consult online so that i can guide you and prescribed with medicine if required
It is not uncommon for young children to experience fear or discomfort when using the toilet, particularly when it comes to bowel movements. This can be caused by a variety of factors, such as a lack of privacy, feeling uncomfortable or unsafe on the toilet seat, or a lack of trust or confidence in using the toilet.
Here are some steps you can take to help your daughter overcome her fear of using the toilet for bowel movements:
Encourage a positive attitude: Talk to your daughter in a calm and supportive manner, and encourage her to use the toilet without fear or shame.
Make it fun: Try to make the experience of using the toilet fun and playful, and use positive reinforcement such as stickers or small rewards to encourage her to use the toilet.
Give her privacy: Make sure she has enough privacy when using the toilet, and avoid interrupting her or watching her while she is using the toilet.
Potty training seat: Try different types of toilet seats, such as a potty training seat that is designed for children her age, or a step stool that can help her reach the toilet more easily.
Consult with a doctor: If the constipation persists or if it causes pain or discomfort, consult with a pediatrician to rule out any underlying medical conditions that may be contributing to her difficulty.
Toilet time: Encourage her to sit on the toilet for a few minutes each day, even if she doesn't need to use the toilet, so she can get used to the sensation of sitting on the toilet and relax.
Patience: Be patient with her and give her time to adjust and overcome her fear, it may take time but it will be worth it in the end.
It's important to remember that each child is unique, and what works for one child may not work for another. If your daughter's fear persists or if it causes significant distress, it may be helpful to consult with a paediatrician who can provide additional support and guidance.
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