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Asking for Other, Male, 1 years old, karachi
Asalam o alikum Since birth my baby boy is suffering from block nose, cough,fever on and off. I visited dr ibrahim yousuf many antibiotic, some time antibiotic shots nebulizer steam antiallergic done each and evrything and now im tired enough now from 2 months my baby suffering frm running nose without fever dr said thz is allergic rhinitis gave him myrteka sachet, flexonasal, and zyrtec but still running nose some time wake up crying during night with sever ear pain and cry alot then I will give him dollar and warm oil in his ear thn after half an hour he will sleep what can I do for him for ear infection caspan I already use u please some one recommend me helpful tip medicine please help me
Pl see a good ENT specialist ( Pediatric ENT if possible). You may also need some pediatric infectious disease consultant. Hospital with these facilities are big hospitals like PIMS, CHILDREN HOSP LAHORE or Combined Military Hospitals, Fatima Memorial Hospital Shadman Lahore..
Check vitamin D and IgE levels
This is allergic rhinitis
Remove dust from ur home like carpets, curtains, sofa cloths
When cleaning is being done at home, move the child to another room
Continue with myteka sachet once daily
Syp desora 2.5 ml once daily
keep ear dry
steam wd clove
montilukast is a good solution for atleast given for 2 months
MBBS, MCPS (Peads), MD | Karachi | Book Appointment
ear swab c/s
7 years ago
These infections are mostly viral infection so don't use antibiotics every time....
Get consultation from an immunologist if history of recurrent infections than child may need extensive work up for diagnosis... Get serum IgE levels to see if it's allergic...
In the meantime use xynosine Nasal drops for children, nebulize daily with normal saline twice a day, use myteka 4mg daily at night and avoid any kind of thing causing allergy like dust, pets, pollen also take extra care in winter season... Get him vaccinated for flu vaccine
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