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Talk to Rheumatologist on Joint Pain


Asking for Self, Female, 30 years old, Hyderabad Pakistan

After my son's birth and breastfeeding I Suffered a lot from lack of vit D, got injections and got normal. Now he's 1 and 10 months and I stopped feeding him because I faced a new issue. I got swelling above my knees and it was hurting like hell. Went to orthopaedic surgeon. He said your bones are weak and you have a disease of bones that will vanish with time and he asked me to stop eating meat and pulses. I had my xray with me, not uric acid. I'm not sure how was he so sure that I'm having uric. Anyways gave me medicines and suggested me to eat fruits, fish and vegetables. Pain is severe. Is it postpartum knee pain? When will it overcome? Deficiency of vit D time to time and now the new issue is here. I'm depressed. See my child crying for milk at night makes me depressed. Lumpy breasts giving me depression and pain. What should I do except crying? Maybe I'm not physically fit to concieve again? I just have a child and having this severe condition. What will I do in future?

Rheumatologist in Karachi - Dr. Furqan Khan

Dr. Furqan Khan - Rheumatologist

MBBS, FCPS (Medicine), FCPS (Rheumatology), FACR | Karachi


187 Positive Reviews

consult with Rheumatologist, InshaAllah you will get better with treatment



Homeopath in Karachi - Homeopathic Dr. Ayesha Kanwal

Homeopathic Dr. Ayesha Kanwal - Homeopath

DHMS , RHMP, C Aesthetics | Karachi


266 Positive Reviews

kindly book your appointment via marham....



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