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PMC Verified Doctors


Sleeping Pill Dose

Salam plz tell me that if someone takes 8--10 tablets of sleeping pills at once, so what does it impact to his sleep?Either he will die or go for long sleep and is there any immediate effect after taking 8---10 pills?

Orthopedic Surgeon

Before One Week Bike Slip Right Hand Wrist Bone Are Damages And Broken Some Stitches Due To Bone Fracture.

please suggests is any need of operation or not ?


Sleep Problem

My baby is 3 months old and his sleep pattern is very disturbed he usually wakes up every hour and sleeps during the day I want to know about oramel drops can I give it to my baby is it safe or have any side effects?


How To Use ?

Please guide how to use it??

Cancer Specialist / Oncologist

CML Patient

Asslam o alaikum sir please chech my BCR-ABL test reports results which are as under. 1.BCR-ABL is 1.36% in January 2021. 2.BCR-ABL is 0.66% and MR is 2.18 in January 2022. 3.BCR-ABL is 0.32% and MR is 2.49 in January 2023. 4.BCR-A...

Ent Specialist

Ear Ach

suffer hole in ear by using cotton Bud

Neuro Physician

Development Delay (Cystic Leuomalacia)

Hi Doctor, my daughter is now 1 year old. when she was born, she was normal but after discharge from the hospital she had jaundice and had some fits during jaundice then we hospitalized her, and after treatment in the nursery she re...



does anagrow medicine affects pcos?? if does plis let me know. it only contains ( biotin, keratin, zinc, vitaminC) i eat this for hair loss.. if its harmful for pcos then do answer.



Hello need help from gynaecologist here . I gave birth to a daughter on 28 th August, and now wanted contraception until next pregnancy. Can someone tell me how to take birth control pills for the first time ( like diane 35, or fami...