The high blood sugar level is a well-known disaster as the name of diabetes. But how many of you know about the dangers of low blood sugar level-hypoglycemia in the body? Maybe very few. For others who think that low sugar level is quite ok, the following words will be eye-openers.
Behavioral Changes:
Certain behavioral changes like difficulty concentrating or confusion, sudden moodiness or irritability or anger are also reported when sugar level goes down. If you are feeling unexplained mood swings don’t ignore these.
Trembling and Dizziness:
In the case of hypoglycemia, the person may experience shaking or trembling in hands and body. Dizziness or light-headedness is another symptom and can become dangerous when driving or performing some physical or mental activities.
Hypoglycemia may cause a feeling of warmth and leads to excessive sweating especially on hands and feet. You may have a pale skin color and weakness, as well.
Hypoglycemia is a very dangerous situation if you are experiencing it repeatedly book your appointment online with the best diabetes doctor in Karachi, Lahore and other main cities of Pakistan via
Hunger is another response to the low blood sugar level. Your body is wise enough to ask for what it needs; the reason behind hypoglycemia is the lack of food and in the form of hunger body asks for it. To ask special foods to maintain your blood sugar level log on to and find the best dietitian in Karachi, Lahore, Islamabad and other main cities of Pakistan.
A Headache:
A strong feeling of a headache with dizziness is not uncommon when the blood sugar levels drop in the body. A headache may occur due to a number of many other medical situations so it’s better to discuss your symptoms with a good physician. You can find the best family physician in Karachi, Lahore and other main cities of Pakistan via
Hypoglycemia may occur during your sleeping hours and then it may cause nightmares and sweating. If you suddenly cry out while sleeping or toss and turn due to nightmares and find you’re sweating then the reason may be is your low blood sugar level.
The balanced sugar level is needed for a healthy life, take care of yourself in the best way to maintain your blood sugar level.