Author: Laiba Kainat

Laiba Kainat holds a degree in Biotechnology and works as a professional SEO content writer. She has experience in writing for various niches. As a content writer, her goal is to use her skills to create engaging, informative, and well-researched content that captivates the audience. With a passion for writing and a keen eye for detail, she strives to deliver high-quality and authentic content that meets the needs and expectations of the readers.

Highlights: Health anxiety is a long-term disorder in which the person is worried about being unwell or getting any disease. People with health anxiety exaggerate minor bodily sensations. Illness anxiety affects a person in a way that the person inspects the body for any signs and symptoms of illness. The root cause of hypochondria is still unknown. It can be due to any past traumatic event, inherited or biological-based. Health anxiety is a type of anxiety in which the person is always worried about getting unwell or being unwell. It is also known as Illness Anxiety or Hypochondria. It is a condition…

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Dengue is a break-bone viral infection that can affect any age group. If the viral infection continues for more than 7 days and the symptoms worsen, then you might have DHF or DSS. Highlights: Dengue fever is a break-bone fever affecting various parts of the body. Untreated dengue symptoms can lead to Dengue Hemorrhagic Fever (DHF) or Dengue Shock Syndrome (DSS). It is most common in tropical and subtropical regions, with 100-400 million infections occurring per year. 1 in 4 dengue infections are symptomatic; therefore, in case of any dengue signs, get yourself tested. Dengue fever (breakbone fever) is a viral…

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Highlights: In winter, skin loses 25% of its ability to hold moisture. Moisturizing skin and using SPF and serums is essential even in winter. Invest in a humidifier to maintain moisture levels in the indoor air. Use skin packs at home to keep your skin moist, glowing, and flawless. Winters are the worst time of the year for our skin. During this season, the cold air locks the moisture in our skin and the skin becomes dry and flaky. Not only the outside weather affects our skin but also the inner heaters suck the moisture out of our skin. In…

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Highlights The majority of the world population (approx. 10%) suffers from dry mouth. Dry mouth is not a disease; it is a side effect or symptom of any condition. Dryness in the mouth has several causes and has potential treatment options. You can also opt for home remedies for dry mouth. Saliva plays a major role in the lubrication, moistening, and cleaning of the mouth. Moreover, it also helps in chewing and engulfing food. When your mouth doesn’t have enough saliva, it can lead to drying and irritation in the mouth. The condition in which the salivary glands do not…

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