Author: Sehrish

She is pharmacist by profession and has worked with several health care setups.She began her career as health and lifestyle writer.She is adept in writing and editing informative articles for both consumer and scientific audiences,as well as patient education materials.

How many of you remember your childhood as a strict list of rules, fully protected with no room for risk and adventure? Were you allowed to sit and play in the mud, run in streets and climb trees? Let me tell you if you have lived a childhood of free play and less strictness you are lucky. Science backs that this approach fuels development of confidence and risk-taking abilities in children. Here we are sharing some discreet signs to help you recognize if you are too protective and hindering your child’s development into a confident person. Here is what makes…

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Everyday you will hear stories of couples breaking up due to not having children and worse due to having consecutive female babies. In our society, it is common to put all blame on females and victimize them. I personally came across such scenarios in my circle where a friend of mine suffered from these issues. Taking it to heart I searched why it all happens in the first place. To my amusement, it came out that male partners are equally responsible for infertility and more influential than women when it comes to the gender of the baby. To date, many people are misled to…

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To age well you need more than that anti-aging cream you have bought. Yes looking good is equally important but there is more to it. Here we are talking about how you can keep your brain young and smart as you age. Have a look at these and let us know which ones you are following. Music: Music has math! Yes, to find out how one notes related to other your brain has to work. This is good for keeping it sharp. Listening to new songs can boost your memory, elevate your mood and keep you alert. So keep checking…

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Which ingredient comes to your mind when you want younger looking and radiant skin? Yes, Vitamin E. It is a fat-soluble vitamin. Also known as alpha-tocopherol. Besides its many benefits for skin, it has several advantages towards delaying effects of aging and preventing diseases. Read on to know how can it benefit your general well being. Vitamin E slows the oxidation process. Also inhibits release of free radicals. These count as the main culprit behind inflammatory processes. Such as diabetes, heart problems, and cancer. It dilates blood vessels and hinders platelet clogging. This vitamin can also prevent and treat diabetes.…

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Would you like to spend your hard earned money to buy diseases? I am afraid you already have bought poisons for yourself and you consume these on daily basis. Living in the modern world does give us unnumerable conveniences but at a hefty price. Our foods also have been modernized with more emphasis on how these should look. Refining foods for commercial purposes is normalized. And we don’t give a second thought while eating these foods which have zero nutritional value. Let’s take a look at our pantries and find out which food items are draining our health silently. Pasteurized…

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Growth spurts are time spans where your baby is growing quickly and obviously enough his nutritional requirements alter. You will observe that during these growth spurts: Your baby feeds for longer. He feeds more often. If he is taking solids he eats more than usual. Seems unsatisfied after usual feeds. Not every baby shows these signs. Many babies grow well without obvious growth spurts. So, as long as your baby seems healthy and is gaining weight satisfactorily you do not need to worry. However, if feeding patterns of your baby change and last for more than 2 days consult with…

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It is perfectly fine to combine breastfeeding and bottle feeding. You can use formula or expressed milk for bottle feeding. Introducing a bottle after eight weeks of birth is suggested to avoid its effect on breast milk production. This is a great option if you plan to go back to work. Also, it is beneficial to mix feed rather than stopping breastfeeding altogether. How To Introduce Mixed Feeding When I have to Go Back to Work? If you have planned to go back to work and need to cut down on feeds, do it gradually. Drop one feed per week.…

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You have seen your superpowers through those entire nine months of pregnancy. Giving birth to your child you held on and did not give up. While reading this your bundle of joy is around you. You feel blessed. As you start this new journey with your little one you may have many queries sprouting in your mind regarding feeding your baby, keeping her healthy and taking the best possible care of her. Are you a new mum struggling to know more about breastfeeding do’s and don’t’s? Marham has got you covered. Here we are answering top 7 FAQs regarding breastfeeding.…

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Water is life. No living being can survive without this precious gift of nature. But this blessing turns in to wrath if you do not abide by certain rules to consume water. As if there were not enough rules already, there are few limitations to water consumption as well. Benefits of warm water are well debated, even consumption of room temperature water is considered fine but drinking chilled water poses a serious hazard to your overall health. Let’s have a look at how are we setting the stage for chronic diseases merely by drinking chilled water. Fat Deposition: Struggling with…

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The hands you held while learning to walk and arms that swayed you to sleep are not that strong now and need your attention. Our elders often fail to communicate their health issues due to lack of knowledge about diseases and end up overlooked. To take proper care of your elders you have to be equipped with up to date medical general knowledge. If not that at least keep an eye on when they seem unwell and book an appointment with their doctor asap at Masood hospital via Elders are commonly seen to be affected with certain infections due…

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