Author: Sehrish

She is pharmacist by profession and has worked with several health care setups.She began her career as health and lifestyle writer.She is adept in writing and editing informative articles for both consumer and scientific audiences,as well as patient education materials.

The human body is a beautifully detailed and complex system, and each organ has a purpose and requires maintenance. We need to understand that everything we put into our system will affect the entire body. In this health blog, we will discuss the side effects of birth control pills. Use of Contraceptive Pills Family planning is undoubtedly vital, but so is an individual’s health and well-being. Many women use birth control pills, with or without being aware of the dire repercussions of their use. According to research, at least 500 million women alive today have used hormonal contraceptives. A woman…

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You have 206 bones in your body. These form the internal structure of your body and also provide safety for sensitive internal organs like heart and lungs. These also function as a production house for new cells. It is impossible to function normally without these vital structures. This is why bone health is emphasized so much. With advancing age, these structures become fragile and begin to lose strength. For every person who wants to age healthily maintaining bone strength comes as a first priority. Do you want to know about risk factors for bone weakness and osteoporosis? Check these out…

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Teething is a painful phase in the life of parents and babies alike. Excessive crankiness, tears and refusal to settle down can make days and nights difficult. As the kid is in pain his response is natural. As a parent, you may want to ease his pain and make it bearable with different strategies. In this quest be sure to only rely on healthy and sade options though. There are several commons believes and practices prevalent in society in this regard. You may hear a lot of advice from every other person you encounter. Are you wondering what’s true and what’s…

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Diabetes is a chronic ailment that can affect your entire body negatively. It is not mere high blood sugar level. This can affect your eyes, kidneys, nerves, and skin to mention a few. Consequences might seem scary and if you want to start taking action from this moment here is where to start. The first step toward staying safe from diabetes is to understand your risk and review your lifestyle. You are at risk if you have diabetes in your family, if you are obese and if you age more than 40 years. This might seem like you have no…

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When anybody is suffering from a fever over the counter drugs are usually a first and foremost choice. Especially parents tend to depend a lot on antipyretic medicines. It is definitely no fun to cope with a feverish kid. Some types of fever are dangerous and need urgent medical attention but common and milder ones can be dealt with naturally. To find the best child specialist in Karachi log on to Nature has many beneficial ingredients that can help to cope up with this. Herbal teas are nature’s gift which you can brew to attain several benefits. Here we…

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Diseases like diabetes, neuralgia and many others can cause never-ending pain. Living with chronic pain can sabotage the quality of life. It is certainly depressing to find your comfort at the end of a handful of pills and capsules. If you or any of your loved one suffering from chronic pain this article is worth giving a read. In this write up we are discussing certain ways to manage pain that are beyond the use of painkillers and analgesics. Focused Breathing and Meditation: When you focus on breathing and indulge in meditation your body relaxes. This helps to relieve pain. Your brain…

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If you are overweight and there is a lot you have to lose then you must know its a long game! You have to learn the tactics to win this game. Luckily there are many people out there who can help you with this. From weight loss experts, Nutritionists to people who have practically done it help is there. But you have to be consistent, determined and ready to fight challenges. Here we are sharing some tried and tested tips along with novel approaches that can help you shed pounds. King’s Breakfast: Yes, it is true when they say “breakfast like…

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Once you are expecting you are bound to hear several dont’s on a daily basis from almost everyone. It is true expecting a baby entails you a considerable amount of cautions. These are necessary to ensure well being of both mother and baby. Here we are mentioning certain foods that expectant mothers should avoid. To have a diet plan for pregnancy you can book an online consultation with the best nutritionist in Pakistan. Soft Cheese: Eating cheese which is pasteurized is fine in pregnancy like parmesan. But the types you should avoid are: Blue Cheese Camembert Brie Feta All other…

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Your oral cavity holds several clues to your overall health. From teeth and gums to tongue there are several signs that if read can be helpful. Your tongue changes its appearance in response to age, medicines, health problems and even mental stress. here we are giving you some information about the signs of health shown by your tongue. What is normal and when to see a doctor or a dentist. White Patches on Tongue: If you see white patches on your tongue it can be due to fungus. Some medicines can also disrupt the balance of bacteria and fungus in mouth leading to these…

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Leg pain affects a lot of people nowadays. You would see people in your family especially women and elderly as well complaining about this. There are many reasons and ailments that can cause pain in legs. Here we are discussing some of the common causes of leg pain. Peripheral Artery Disease (PAD): This condition arises due to the insufficient blood supply to legs. The reason behind can be narrowing of arteries. Symptoms of PAD include cramping, pain, feeling cold, odd colouration of legs and also numbness. Smokers are commonly affected by this disease. Quitting smoking can help to relieve symptoms. Some…

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