Peshawar October 6, 2020: After the normal activities had resumed in Pakistan, the government decided to open the educational institutes as it could’ve been managed with following proper SOPs. Right after the institutes reopened, many speculations surfaced about the excessive COVID19 outbreak in the educational institutes. Just a week later, the Khyber Medical College, as per the decision by the administration, was shut down for two weeks.
Previously, it was reported that 4 of the female students living in the hostels were tested positive for COVID19 and were immediately quarantined. The hostels were also shut down for two weeks. According to the administration of the college, all the students have been and will be screened to make sure there’s no other student infected. Moreover, in the capital city of Islamabad, the excessive outbreak of COVID19 has been experienced after the reopening of educational institutes.
Furthermore, it is said that the local administrations of the areas have been actively monitoring the COVID19 cases and will be shutting down all the institutes that have even one of the COVID19 positives. Regular testing is carried out in the institutes and the administrations are taking care of the precautionary measures being followed. Also, according to them, they are also making sure all the SOPs are followed properly.
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