People of all ages can suffer from constipation, which is a common health issue and can be uncomfortable or even painful, if not treated. Numerous factors, such as infrequent bowel movements, a deficiency in fiber-rich diets, the use of certain drugs (such as narcotic painkillers), stress, and dehydration are all potential causes of constipation. Although it is not a major disorder, it can result in serious health issues if not treated right away.
Fortunately, there are numerous natural constipation remedies that provide quick relief from this problem. These constipation remedies are given below;
14 Natural Remedies for Constipation Relief at Home
To ease your discomfort and prevent constipation, try these immediate constipation reliefs at home. These constipation treatments are not only easy to implement, but regular use of them can also help to avoid constipation in the future.
1. Try Concentrated Molasses
According to the FDA, molasses, a substance produced after the refining of sugarcane, is one of the greatest natural laxatives for boosting your digestive system. A considerable number of vitamins, minerals, and magnesium found in molasses, which are boiled down to a concentrated form, can help relieve constipation.
A bowel movement can be induced by taking molasses in your diet.
You may add one spoonful of molasses to a glass of water and then drink this either in the morning or evening. However, due to its high-calorie content, avoid eating it every day.
2. Lemons – A Natural Laxative to treat Constipation
One of the most efficient and simple home remedies for constipation is lemon juice. The citric acid present in lemon is a natural laxative, that works to remove toxins from your digestive system.
Experts say that it serves as a stimulant and clears the toxins in the body, giving rapid relief. To stimulate your digestive system
- Mix the juice of fresh lemon with a spoonful of honey in a glass of lukewarm water.
- To see results as soon as possible, drink this solution first thing in the morning.
3. Avoid Caffeine and Alcohol
The intake of Caffeine, alcohol and fizzy drinks should be reduced if possible as they may lead to dehydration and indigestion.
It is true that caffeine can cause the muscles of the digestive system to contract, resulting in a bowel movement. But it is not advised as too much caffeine dehydrates the body and thus, leading to further aggravating the condition.
Alcohol, on the other hand, can alter how the body absorbs liquids. This can cause a disturbance in normal bowel movements and may lead to constipation.
To get further assistance in treating this problem, consult a gastroenterologist through Marham.
4. Include Fennel Seeds in your Diet
Fennel seeds contain anti-inflammatory and antispasmodic properties due to the presence of compounds like anethole, fenchone, and estragole.
They are excellent in relieving bloating, indigestion, and constipation as proven by many experiments. Fennel seeds are a great remedy for these problems because they promote smooth muscle activity in the digestive tract.
You may include fennel seeds in your diet by taking a teaspoon of roasted fennel powder and some warm water on an empty stomach in the morning.
5. Eat Foods that are Rich in Fiber
Dietary fiber softens and expands your feces and adds more water content to your stools according to many researchers.
Other than this, the benefits of fiber-rich foods are given below.
- Fiber helps make your feces more voluminous and smoother by absorbing water from your diet.
- Fiber-rich foods such as green vegetables, fruits like apples, pears, or kiwis, whole-grain bread, and whole-wheat pasta help to absorb nutrients more efficiently and ease constipation.
So we would suggest you include these items in your diet plan. To get assistance in diet plans you can book a meeting with the best nutritionists in Pakistan.
6. Do Regular Exercises and Yoga
Regular exercise can help with regulating your bowel movements. A brief sprint or a 20–30 minute walk will help to promote regular bowel motions.
If you already have a healthy level of fitness, you might go for aerobic activities like running, jogging, swimming, or swing dancing.
All of these workouts can help in maintaining a healthy digestive system. According to advanced studies, yoga and stretching may also aid in easing constipation.
7. Eat Two to Three Tablespoons of Flax Seeds
Omega-3 fatty acids and a ton of fiber are found in flax seeds, which can help alleviate mild to severe constipation as reported by experts.
Two to three teaspoons of powdered flax seeds mixed in water make a great laxative and a potent treatment for constipation.
Additionally, studies have indicated that they may increase the amount of gut microbiota which eases defecation in individuals with severe constipation.
8. Drink Tons of Mineral Water
The simplest way to avoid constipation is to drink plenty of water. According to studies, sodium and magnesium-rich mineral water increase the frequency and consistency of bowel movements in those who are constipated.
Your stool becomes softer, bulkier, and easier to pass after maintaining a regular intake of water in your body. Therefore, people who typically don’t drink enough water should start taking it.
9. Consume Green Vegetables, Especially Raw Spinach
In addition to being high in fiber, vegetables like broccoli, brussels sprouts, and spinach are also excellent sources of folate and vitamins C and K.
Doctors say that these vegetables assist in giving stools weight and volume, which facilitates bowel transit. Raw spinach in particular can rebuild, purify, and repair the entire digestive system.
For the treatment of extreme constipation:
- Combine water, raw spinach, and broccoli
- Boil this mixture and then strain it into a glass
- Drink this mixture at regular intervals until you get relief from constipation
10. Take Oranges To Have Lots of Fiber
Oranges are a great source of fiber and vitamin C. They include pectin and naringenin, according to studies, which may assist you to relieve your constipation. These elements can stimulate the bowel and intestinal movements, thus producing softer feces.
Therefore, in order to alleviate this situation, you should consume at least two oranges or one glass of fresh orange juice each day.
11- Grapes – Amazing for Treating Constipation
Grapes pack a powerful double-whammy in the fight against constipation. According to research, grapes contain a lot of fiber as well as a lot of water. Given that you need water to aid fiber flow through your digestive tract, that combination is incredibly useful.
Additionally, grapes are a potent natural laxative. They can help relieve constipation since they are rich in cellulose, sugar, and organic acid.
To get relief from constipation, you should consume a small bowl of grapes or half a glass of fresh grape juice each day.
12. Take One Teaspoon of Baking Soda
One of the most effective natural treatments for constipation is baking soda. Studies suggest that it restores the stomach’s alkalinity, neutralizes the acids, and eases stomach discomfort.
Additionally, it will encourage improved bowel movements in the presence of constipation. To get immediate relief from constipation, mix one teaspoon of baking soda with a quarter cup of warm water and drink the mixture.
13. Dissolve Epsom Salt in Water
Epsom salt is abundant in magnesium sulfate which encourages bowel contractions, aids in drawing water into the intestine, and softens the stool to help in relieving constipation.
Drink some Epsom salt dissolved in water. Usually, within 30 minutes to six hours after consuming this mixture, a bowel movement results. If you don’t see any improvement after four hours, you can take this dose again.
However, physicians advise not to take more than two doses of Epsom salt in a day. Book a meeting with an internal medicine specialist to discuss its dosage according to your requirements.
14. Eat Prunes and Psyllium with Water
Prunes contain sorbitol, a substance that has a laxative effect and is high in fiber. Therefore, experts advise that eating prunes can really aid in the fight against constipation.
Moreover, Psyllium also contributes to the softening of the stool by increasing its water content.
You can add 5g of psyllium one to three times per day to a glass of water and then drink it. But keep in mind that you should not consume psyllium on an empty stomach.
Lifestyle Changes For Constipation
In addition to learning about home remedies, you should adopt some lifestyle modifications to get rid of constipation in your life.
i. Drink Plenty of Water
Drinking adequate water makes your feces softer and easier to pass. When you first wake up, drink a glass of water. Then, keep drinking water throughout the day.
ii. Add Exercise to your Routine
Increasing your physical activity helps keep your digestive system working. Even if you walk for only 10 to 20 minutes, try to just do it after meals.
Also make an effort to stay active by practicing yoga, running, swimming, and dancing.
iii. Don’t hold your Bowel Movements
Get to the bathroom immediately if you feel the need to do it. Constipation is only exacerbated by holding it.
Therefore, it is crucial for people with constipation to go to the bathroom as soon as they feel the urge.
iv. Take a Fiber Supplement
We will suggest you take a fiber supplement as it is really necessary if your diet is not providing you with enough dietary fiber.
Most medicine and supermarket stores sell fiber in pill and powder form. Additionally, you can buy them online too through an online website.
When to See a Doctor for Constipation?
Treating constipation with natural remedies can give you effective results. But you need to be very careful about your condition. If the symptoms get worsen with time then we would suggest you go to your nearby doctor. Click here, to schedule an appointment with one of the best gastroenterologists in your area.
1- How do you stimulate a bowel movement?
To encourage bowel movements, a small enema or suppository (with bisacodyl or glycerin) can be used after consulting with a gastroenterologist or a medical specialist.
2- How do you treat constipation naturally?
Consume high-fiber and easily digestible foods like berries, bananas, prunes, or avocados. These might be useful in easing mild constipation symptoms. To help prevent future problems, increase the amount of fiber-rich foods in your diet, such as fruits, whole grains, and vegetables.
3- Does a spoonful of olive oil help relieve constipation?
The lipids in olive oil can help to ease the passing of stool and lessen gastrointestinal issues. It may also help maintain the consistency of stool by allowing for greater water absorption. Many healthy adults may experience relief from constipation by consuming one tablespoon of olive oil first thing in the morning on an empty stomach.