You may know many remedies and medicines that are good for your overall health and skin health also. One of that miraculous naturally occurring minerals is Noshadar that has the scientific name Ammonium Chloride. Have you ever heard of the Noshadar benefits for your health?
Noshadar or noshadar Thikri is also known as Sal ammoniac. It is a rare naturally occurring mineral that is composed of Ammonium Chloride. The mineral is commonly formed on burning coal dumps from the condensation of coal-derived gases and can also be present in some types of volcano vents. The mineral is used in our daily use items like shampoos, dishwashing liquids, soaps, medicines, fertilizers, facial products, etc.
Let’s discuss some of the essential Noshadar benefits;
Noshadar Benefits:
This mineral has been used for the treatment of multiple diseases for hundreds of years. Even before the advancement in modern medicine and chemistry, people are well aware of the health benefits of noshadar. Here are some of the vital noshadar benefits for health;
- It helps in reducing inflammation in the body.
- Patients with gastrointestinal tract problems, such as stomach ulcers, GERD, indigestion, flatulence, and heartburning, can use noshadar to treat these problems related to digestion.
- Noshadar salt has urinary acidifying properties by cleaning the stomach and passes out impurities through urine. These characteristics as a urinary acidifying salt make this salt a stomach purifier. It removes impurities from the stomach.
- Noshadar is also used as an expectorant and eases the cough. Moreover, it removes phlegm by irritating the mucous membranes.
- Patients with chronic liver illnesses such as cirrhosis, enlarged liver, and spleen can take Noshadar as a treatment, as it may reduce their size to normal levels.
- Asthmatic patients can also benefit from Noshadar as it reduces the inflammation in the lungs, controls cough and allergies.
- Noshadar can also manage alopecia or abnormal hair fall. Ammonium chloride is an important constituent of shampoo and many skins and hair-related medicines.
- Noshadar is an effective herbal treatment for skin problems.
- Noshadar also helps in eliminating the poisonous effects from the body.
How To Use Noshadar?
Noshadar is used in the form of ammonium chloride in different products like medicines (cough syrups), shampoos, dishwashers, skin and hair-care products, and many other medicines.
Ammonium Chloride Dosage For Humans:
The dosage of ammonium chloride in injectable form is 5 mEq/mL. But the dosage varies according to the patient’s age, body weight and diagnosis.
Noshadar Side Effects:
If used in exorbitant amounts noshadar also shows side effects.
- Metabolic acidosis
- Rash
- EEG abnormalities
- Seizures
- Mental confusion
- Low blood potassium
- High chloride levels in the blood
- Abdominal pain
- Nausea and vomiting
- Hyperventilation
- Encephalopathy
- Irritability
- Drowsiness
- Injection site reactions
- Ammonia toxicity symptoms include sweating, altered breathing, slow heart rate, irregular heartbeat, and even coma.
- Calcium deficiency leading to tetany.
It is always advisable to use medicinal salts with the expert’s advice. You can consult your general physician to know the dosage and side effects of ammonium chloride.
Although noshadar is a naturally occurring salt, it can be easily synthesized. A high dose of ammonium chloride can cause serious side effects or toxicity. That’s why it is advisable to use ammonium chloride as a medicine according to the prescribed dose.
What is noshadar?
Noshadar is the raw mineral from which ammonium chloride is obtained.
What are noshadar benefits for health?
Noshadar has a lot of health benefits. It treats cough and removes phlegm. It also treats gastrointestinal problems like ulcers, heartburn, flatulence, etc. Moreover, it benefits the hair and skin. Noshadar also has urine acidifying properties.
Does noshadar have side effects?
Yes, noshadar have side effects if taken in a high dose. The major side effects of noshadar are rash, palpitations, seizures, hyperventilation, irritability, sweating, irregular heartbeat, tetany. Etc.
How can we use noshadar?
Noshadar can be used in the form of medicines, skin and hair care products. It is also an important constituent of our everyday use products like shampoo, soaps, dishwashing liquids, etc.
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