PCOS is the word many of us are unaware of. Yes! I know you might be heard it the first time. It may also possible that you are suffering from it but feeling ashamed to discuss. I realized the sensitivity of this issue when I saw the hurdles it creates in someone’s life. This is very heart wrenching when a lady has to hear sentences against the things that she is not responsible for. Do you know what these sentences are?
“You cannot be a mother and totally useless for your whole life”.
“You are not pretty because of these hairy face”.
There are many others that are extremely painful for a woman. Seriously, it is not in someone’s hand to control these issues. Ladies! You really need to know what PCOS (Polycystic Ovary Syndrome) is and how you can treat it and change your life.
What You Need To Know About PCOS.
75% of women are unable to recognize that they are suffering from PCOS. Sadly, this is happening at a very young age these days. PCOS is not just a single disease. It can lead toward so many other problems like depression, diabetes, and heart diseases as well.
Women in our society are afraid of sharing the actual problem. They hide it because of family pressure and so many other reasons. But a big thanks to the technology that every woman can now share and get proper treatment about all hidden issues through online consultation with a gynecologist.
PCOS is getting common because of food, mental health, genetic issues, inflammation, and insulin resistance. Here are some prominent symptoms of this disease.
Must Read: 5 Best Gynecologists in Lahore
Irregular Periods. The very first symptom of this disease is an irregularity in periods. It can be late or early.
Acne. The Second most common symptom is acne. Yes! It is very common these days. You must go for a checkup and it’s not a tough task now. Consult with a gynecologist just sitting at home.
Hair growth. Facial hair growth is so common in PCOS. Other than this there can be excessive hair on the whole body.
Infertility. A major reason for infertility is this disease.
This is something really needs attention because it is connected with the happiness of family too.
Depression. Ultimately it can lead to depression because of all the hormonal changes and pressure.
If you are feeling any of these symptoms then do not ignore it. It’s never too late to get healthy. Don’t feel shy as well. You are no longer living is Stone Age. You can discuss it with a trustworthy Gynecologist.