Of the most joyous news in a person’s life is the one to know you are expecting a baby. From selecting a gynecologist, nursery colors and baby name excitement just grows. No matter how well read you are some of the body changes you go through are surprising. While a mother happily embraces all these changes knowing what to expect can be really helpful.
As every baby is different so is every pregnancy. Some women glow throughout first trimester others feel out of sorts during these months. Here is a guide to changes that may surface during the first trimester of pregnancy.
As much as 25% of women experience bleeding during the first three months of pregnancy. Light spotting may be a sign of implantation. However, if you have sharp pain, cramps, and significant bleeding this could be a sign of ectopic pregnancy or a miscarriage. Immediately contact your doctor and get your concerns addressed. You can use marham.pk to find and consult the best gynecologist in Pakistan.
Breast Tenderness:
Breast soreness is an early sign of pregnancy. This diminishes as you come to end of your first trimester. Using a sports bra or going a size up can be comfortable.
Prenatal vitamins and slowed intestinal movements due to a high level of progesterone contribute to constipation. Eat high fiber foods and stay physically active to maintain good digestive health. Before taking any over the counter laxative always consult your doctor. Read more about early signs of pregnancy here.
Thin, whitish discharge is common in pregnancy. This is generally termed as leucorrhea. But if you experience heavy discharge and foul smell inform your doctor.
Excess work that your body has to do in supporting fetus can result in fatigue and you may feel tired earlier than usual. Take rest during the day and don’t skip your daily dose of iron. Lack of iron can cause anemia and you will end up even more languid.
More than 60% of women experience cravings for different foods. Indulging in these is good every now and then. As long as you are eating healthy, low calorie and fresh produce it is all ok. Worry when you have cravings for nonfood items like clay and laundry starch. These can be harmful to you and your baby’s health. Inform your doctor about this right away.
Food aversions are as common as food cravings during pregnancy. You may feel nauseous by the smell of certain foods. Even those you previously loved having may become a complete no during pregnancy. Here is a guide to other things you should not eat when you are pregnant.
Frequent Need to Urinate:
Due to an increase in the size of uterus pressure on the bladder is increased. This may lead to frequent bathroom trips. Do not limit fluids to curb this. However, do limit caffeine intake to help this.
Also expect fairly common events like heartburn, nausea. morning sickness and weight gain. Remember this is just the start of the wonderful journey ahead. So staying healthy, hydrated and well informed will go a long way.